Workshop on Guiana Shield Biodiversity Corridors to streamline support for the achievement of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets Country: Name of Presenter: 1 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Outline of Presentation National and regional frameworks for transboundary conservation and connectivity corridors Legislative Policy Institutions that regulate, fund and administer projects on the ground (Include maps and photos of the areas) Opportunities for future collaborations Potential for national priority projects to be strengthened through cross-border collaboration Pressures and threats Urgency of collaboration in areas under great threat 2 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May
National and regional frameworks for transboundary conservation and connectivity corridors Legislative and Policy 3 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
National and Regional Frameworks LegislativePolicy 4 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May
Institutions that regulate, fund and administer projects on the ground Information, Data, Maps & photos 5 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Administration of Projects 6 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Maps 7 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Photos 8 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014 Cayenna, October
Maps 9 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Opportunities for collaboration National priority projects; pressures & threats; urgency 10 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Strengthening National Priority Projects 11 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Pressures and Threats 12 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
Urgency of Collaboration 13 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014
[any other pertinent information] 14 Iwokrama River Lodge, Guyana, May 2014