RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 Envisat RA-2 and MWR Events since October 2002 Pierre Féménias ESA/ESRIN
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 Envisat RA-2 and MWR Switch-on/off RA-2 Unavailability (from Oct 4, 02)
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 Envisat RA-2 and MWR Switch-on/off MWR Unavailability (from Oct 4, 02)
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 Envisat RA-2 and MWR Switch-on/off Envisat Unavailability for past cycles (%)
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 RA-2 Level 1B & Level 2 upgrades Current IPF version is V4.53 since November 27, 2002 The new IPF version V4.54 shall be corrected for
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 RA-2 Level 1B and Level 2 upgrades New IPF version V4.54 to be operational by the end of March 2003 The IPF version 4.54 shall be put into operation, concomitantly with the loading of a new RA-2 Characterisation Auxiliary Data File (ADF), file type "RA2_CHD_AX“ –Correction of the Tx-Rx gain of Ku and S band parameters (3.5 dB) Update of the ADF Slope files, following a new delivery from MSSL (to correct for wrong values). Done on January 31, 2003 RA2_SL1_AXVIEC _100228_ _000000_ _ RA2_SL2_AXVIEC _101757_ _000000_ _ Note that the F-PAC CMA processing and Frappe Ref. Processor are already in line with the above ( except for discrepancy in range bias)
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 IPF/CMA Upcoming Upgrades Level 1B –AGC S band step attenuators computation correction –Extrapolation of AGC value (from pulse 17 as provided in level 0) to the Waveform center Level 2 –Upgrade of the RA-2 Ice2 retracker algorithm change of the leading edge detection algorithm parameters so that it detects the wave front and not variations inside the noise Extension of Auxiliary file system SOI needed (RA2_SOI_AX) –MWR Neural Network Algorithm Linear correction factors shall be added on BTs and Sigma0 Sigma0_Ku 1 dB higher within NN processing to provide reliable radiometer products
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 RA-2 and MWR operational planning MWR Instrument nominally handled by MPS. The MWR calibration period is currently 38.4 sec RA-2 IF calibration activity Baseline scenario: -IF measurement mode once per day over the Himalaya zone -Limited to the ascending passes with a minimum duration of 50 seconds
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 RA-2 and MWR operational planning RA-2 Individual Echoes (Burst mode) acquisition Baseline scenario: -In ‘Ocean mode’ approach -Acquisition duration set to 1 sec with a number of repetitions equal to 469 (cover fourteen daily orbits) -Daily activation. Starting point after the “Himalaya zone” Specific planning in support of the CryoVex (Cryosat validation experiment) in April (10 days)
RA-2 & MWR QWG meeting – ESA/ESRIN – 24 March, 2003 RA-2 and MWR operational planning Range Transponder acquisition Acquisitions are currently performed for the GAVDOS project over 3 Austrian’s sites. Sigma-0 Transponder acquisition –Sigma-0 Transponder (TRP) has been shipped from ESTEC to ESRIN –Definition of non-permanent sites is on-going –Planning of the RA-2 instrument in Preset Loop Output mode shall be done accordingly –Expected start of operations in April 2003 –On the long term, the TRP shall be installed on a secure & permanent site for the Envisat Phase E duration