The European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation The need for Data sharing Generic Civil-Military Cooperation
The need for Data Sharing To provide to all interested parties a common view on European airspace data, which is kept up to date in real time throughout the day of operation. To provide a unified source of up-to-date and accurate European airspace data to users, flow and capacity managers, air traffic service providers and civil/military airspace users in the strategic, pre-tactical and tactical phases of ASM and ATFCM. To obtain high quality data, a real-time and automated data exchange with appropriate national and sub- regional Systems is of utmost importance. To ensure National Airspace Management Systems play their role in providing the required data.
Future European ASM Data Exchange Bi-directional, online and real-time data exchange between the various systems enable network wide availability of the required data.
Data Exchange and ASM Systems Data Exchange with ASM systems potentially involve a number of different data streams – resulting in benefits to airspace users and the network in general. These streams range from the exchange of environmental data to real-time information on the activation status of airspaces. The following figure provides an overview of identified data streams.
Data Exchange ADR ASM System ASM Sys Environmental Data ATFCM Data Nat’l Planning Data Airspace(De)Activations Common Static Data between different tools allows interoperability and information sharing Awareness on the current demand and capacity planning allows a LARA user to identify and reserve areas with the least impact on traffic. Event Data
Environmental Data Stream All Airspace Management Tools require data on the airspace structure including relevant updates each AIRAC. Temporary changes introduced by NOTAM need to be reflected and considered. In order to enable seamless interoperability between various systems it is required to operate on the same data baseline in order to correlate individual data items of different origin - for example to enable exchange of AUP Data between different systems. If the environmental data is not consistent, efficient data exchange will be hampered. Common data repository shall support the above mentioned requirements by providing complete, consistent and validated environmental data to other systems and thereby promoting safety, efficiency and interoperability.
ATFCM Data Currently, Military Air Crews reserve a certain airspace based mainly on availability and suitability for mission effectiveness. Real-Time information on civil traffic demand and areas of potential network congestion are not available and hence not considered. Provision of current Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) Data to ASM System, operators and airspace managers should include the forecasted traffic situation for facilitating their decisions on airspace usage, and giving the opportunity to chose for airspaces having the least impact on traffic while still achieving their mission goals.
Long Term Event Data Provision of long term event Data will allow operators to schedule long-term events (Large Scale Military Exercises, Summits, etc). Airspace Reservations can be introduced related to these events and further refined over time. This data could be made available to all connected clients and allows for an early deconfliction of events if required. Event Data could be forwarded to NM for feeding the Network Operations Portal (NOP) for further network wide promulgation of this data for an increased awareness beyond the boundaries of the local ASM System.
National Planning Data To provide online, real-time exchange of airspace reservation data throughout the whole airspace management process - from the initial request through the approval chain to the actual airspace activation. Provision of a complete and up-to-date picture of the respective airspace planning situation available. This information can be continuously sent to ADR for use and distribution to other interested parties. Offer access to a coherent picture on airspace usage and the availability of routes will optimize flight planning and unlock potential for additional efficiency gains.
Real-Time Airspace (De)-Activations ASM systems supersede the airspace planning phase and encompasses functionality to manage the tactical, real-time phase of the airspace management process. ASM system enable real-time activations and de-activations of areas according to the plan taking into consideration actual usage of airspace. Data can be passed on to NM enabling a further synchronization of demand vs. capacity beyond the planning phase.
Conclusion Data Sharing a pre requisite for ADR build up Performance enhancement Network manager State level