While refugees and asylum seekers account for only a small proportion of the global movement of people, they frequently travel alongside Migrants.
Climbing over razor wire fences….
Taking to sea in leaking boats…
Stowing away in airless Containers
Refugees and migrants around the world risk their lives in desperate attempts to find safety or a better life.
These are personal stories of courage, tragedy and compassion.
Many movements are Irregular - They often take place without documents. - They use unauthorized border crossing or involve smugglers.
States regard such movements as a threat to their sovereignty and security.
And yet this may be, in some cases, the only escape route open to those fleeing war or persecution.
UNHCR calls for practical protection safeguards by States: To ensure that refugees are not returned to countries where their life or liberty would be at risk.
Through: - Protection sensitive policies - The TEN- POINT ACTION PLAN on refugee protection in mixed migration situations which UNHCR, partners and several governments are implementing.
The 10 Point Plan of Action 1. Cooperation amongst key partners 2. Data collection and analysis 3. Protection Sensitive entry systems 4. Reception arrangements 5. Profiling and referrals 5.
6. Differentiated processes and procedures 7. Durable Solutions 8. Addressing Secondary Movements 9. Return alternative for non-refugees 10. Awareness Raising
Supporting victims of trafficking and smuggling in mixed migration context:
WAY FORWARD Implement the 10-Point Action Plan Strengthen awareness raising campaigns Ratify the Kampala Convention on the Protection and Assistance of IDPs in Africa
Persons caught in mixed migratory movements & victims of trafficking and smuggling are people like you and me. IT COULD HAPPEN TO ANY OF US
Raise Awareness to Protect them.