Research Proposal Requirements and Networking Workshop ESTEC, Noordwijk, 13 September 2004
Summary Table Submissions: Submission of NOIs + Proposal -> Electronically Use standards forms downloaded from Proposal 12 Nov: Electronic to + paper Proposal content: Will be done in detail this afternoon
How to write a good proposal … 1 A set of basic components ……. You need to provide as a minimum - a short abstract - a hypothesis
How to write a good proposal … 1 A set of basic components ……. You need to provide as a minimum - a short abstract - a hypothesis - a short, condensed description of the scientific background and some references from any relevant ground-based experiments you or others have performed – HERE YOU DEFEND YOUR CASE!
How to write a good proposal … 1 A set of basic components ……. You need to provide as a minimum - a short abstract - a hypothesis - a short, condensed description of the scientific background and some references from any relevant ground-based experiments you or others have performed - a definition of the objectives and expected outcome
How to write a good proposal … 1 A set of basic components ……. You need to provide as a minimum - a short abstract - a hypothesis - a short, condensed description of the scientific background and some references from any relevant ground-based experiments you or others have performed - a definition of the objectives and expected outcome - an accurate description of the equipment in question
How to write a good proposal … 1 A set of basic components ……. You need to provide as a minimum - a short abstract - a hypothesis - a short, condensed description of the scientific background and some references from any relevant ground-based experiments you or others have performed - a definition of the objectives and expected outcome - an accurate description of the equipment in question and its use - an experimental procedure to be performed
How to write a good proposal … 1 A set of basic components ……. You need to provide as a minimum - a short abstract - a hypothesis - a short, condensed description of the scientific background and some references from any relevant ground-based experiments you or others have performed - a definition of the objectives and expected outcome - an accurate description of the equipment in question - an experimental procedure to be performed - Life Sciences (Justify the) number of test subjects and their qualification and what they must be trained in (provide basic statistics arguments)
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ………
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background Make sure you have a plan and describe the plan
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background Make sure you have a plan and describe the plan Build up the proposal logically …
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background Make sure you have a plan and describe the plan Build us the proposal logically … Be clear … follow basic rules for a good and understandable document (order, pagination, font, systematics, etc.)
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background Make sure you have a plan and describe the plan Build us the proposal logically … Be clear … follow basic rules for a good and understandable document (order, pagination, font, systematics, etc.) References – use and usefulness – MAKE SURE TO KNOW YOUR REFERENCES!
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background Make sure you have a plan and describe the plan Build us the proposal logically … Be clear … follow basic rules for a good and understandable document (order, pagination, font, systematics, etc.) References – use and usefulness Team members: Do only identify people that are NEEDED for the science you want to do …
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background Make sure you have a plan and describe the plan Build us the proposal logically … Be clear … follow basic rules for a good and understandable document (order, pagination, font, systematics, etc.) References – use and usefulness Team members: Do only identify people that are NEEDED for the science you want to do … Ensure all team members subscribe to the entire proposal text
How to write a good proposal … 2 Be consistent ……… The need for microgravity is based in experience from ground based experiment background Make sure you have a plan and describe the plan Build us the proposal logically … Be clear … follow basic rules for a good and understandable document (order, pagination, font, systematics, etc.) References – use and usefulness Team members: Do only identify people that are NEEDED for the science you want to do … Ensure all team members subscribe to the entire proposal text Find the best people for the job and work with them !
How to write a good proposal … 3 Make sure you are doing compelling science !
How to write a good proposal … 3 Make sure you are doing compelling science ! -this you only know if you are completely current re. what has been done already – this peers demand !
How to write a good proposal … 3 Make sure you are doing compelling science ! -this you only know if you are completely current re. what has been done already – this peers demand ! -You want to contribute to progress, not only to ‘status-quo’
How to write a good proposal … 3 Make sure you are doing compelling science ! -this you only know if you are completely current re. what has been done already – this peers demand ! -You want to contribute to progress, not only to ‘status-quo’ -Do science for the field you are in, not only for yourself and your funding …..
Proposal Evaluation - General Scientific Significance 30% Approach25% Innovation 20% Personnel15% Environment10%
Proposal Evaluation - Applications specific Clear, verifiable and realistic objectives15% Level of industrial participation and involvement25% Impact on the competitiveness of participating industry20% Innovative character and potential progress beyond the state of the art 15% Effectiveness of partnership15% European dimension and cohesiveness10% < Back to Latest Research AnnouncementsBack to Latest Research Announcements