June 26, 2002; Page: 1 ESOC (TOS-OGR) European Space Operations Centre Manfred Warhaut Ground Segment Manager TOS-OGR ROSETTA Ground Segment Status SWT #10: June 26, 2002
June 26, 2002; Page: 2 ESOC (TOS-OGR) Ground Stations and Network Antenna pointing tests carried out with the STARDUST spacecraft on June 07 & June 11, The New Norcia station successfully acquired the signal from NASA’s STARDUST spacecraft currently 2.1 AU away from Earth. System test activities of the Antenna Front- end are about to be completed. Projected completion is 04-Jul-02. Combined Front-end / Back-end testing (04/25-July-02). Formal station hand-over test (29-Jul / 06- Sep) with hand-over to operations early September 2002 (L-4 months). New Norcia & DSN Tracking campaign with Ulysses 17/23-Sep-02.
June 26, 2002; Page: 3 ESOC (TOS-OGR)
June 26, 2002; Page: 4 ESOC (TOS-OGR) Mission Control System / Simulator Mission Control System DDS - PI interface testing and load test revealed shortcomings (performance and robustness); RMCS/SCOS-2000 "load test" gave some hints on persisting problems with retrieval performance. Delivery C.2 of Rosetta Mission Control System made 28-May-02. Delivery D (05-Aug) and Delivery D1 (02-Sep-02) and D2 (03-Oct-02) are planned. Simulator Delivery D2.3 made 17/23-May-02 showed improvements (runs latest on-board software). Delivery 3.0 planned 10-Jun-02 and final version 3.1 planned for 17-Jul-02, marginal for start of simulations campaign.
June 26, 2002; Page: 5 ESOC (TOS-OGR) Flight Dynamics / Mission Analysis System tests have started, whereby tests of pre-launch subsystems initialization (Init) and LEOP sequence has been performed; Flight Dynamics participation in LEOP SVT- 0/4 (provision of commands / monitoring of telemetry) completed; Collaboration/consultancy on interplanetary navigation with the Navigation Section at JPL continues to progress very well. Recent meeting 21/23-May-02. Exchange of pointing angles for Ulysses successfully completed; Consolidated Report on Mission Analysis issued April 2002.
June 26, 2002; Page: 6 ESOC (TOS-OGR) Mission Operations Preparation Acceptance test activities are continuing for the simulator and mission control system; Flight Operations Plan (FOP) issue 1.1 released mid May; SVT-0/3 : On-Board Software debugging / validation successfully completed (PROM software burning); SVT-0/4 : LEOP and AOCS closed loop completed; PFM SVT-1/1 ongoing with emphasis on payload; SVT-1/2 (06/08-Aug-02) agreed with project office; SVT-2 (05/10-Nov-02) conducted remotely from ESOC - PISA.
June 26, 2002; Page: 7 ESOC (TOS-OGR) Experiment Flight Operations Review Status
June 26, 2002; Page: 8 ESOC (TOS-OGR) Principal Investigator Support Area (PISA) Rosetta PISA layout
June 26, 2002; Page: 9 ESOC (TOS-OGR) Principal Investigator Schedule of Events
June 26, 2002; Page: 10 ESOC (TOS-OGR) PI/Lander Operational Interface Concerns Validation of payload in SVT-1/1 (June 2002) late and incomplete: -> Some features may be detected as late as 2 months prior to launch !! Inputs for commissioning plan late and incomplete, mainly in the area of pointing and interference: -> If not available by mid July not part of CVP baseline. -> Delta commissioning required in 2005 or later. DDS interface lacks performance / robustness -> Initial restrictions on DDS may apply. OBCP development/validation late: -> Payload OBCPs likely not ready for inclusion in LEOP/CVP baseline. Payload On-Board Monitoring significantly de-scoped to match existing inputs and DMS capabilities.