International Telecommunication Union Focus Group on M2M Service Layer October 2013 On behalf of SG11
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer Focus Groups can be created for the quick development of specifications (deliverables, not Recommendations) in their chosen areas which are not covered within an existing Study Group. FG M2M initiated in April 2012 To conclude in December M2M (Machine to Machine communication) covers a wide area. FG M2M focuses initially on the services and applications for e-health. 2
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer Study areas of e-health definitions, terminology, taxonomies business model use case Network requirements Network architecture interface and protocols. Collaborate with medical and clinical sector (e.g. WHO, mHealth Alliance) 3
Objectives Collect documents from other SDOs Draft technical reports focused on e-health. Facilitate and encourage the participation and contribution of vertical market stakeholders 4
Working Groups structure FG Chairperson Leadership: Heyuan Xu (CATR) WG1 Use cases and service models Leadership: M. Morrow (Cisco), R. Istepanian (Kingston University), M. Berrebi (eDevice) WG2 Requirements and architectural framework of the M2M Service Layer Leadership: M. Carugi (ZTE), H.J. Kim (ETRI) WG3 API and protocols Leadership: A. Amer(STC), H. Himeno (NEC) 5
Deliverables No.TitleEditors D0.1 M2M standardization activities and gap analysis: e-health Hideo Himeno (NEC) D0.2M2M enabled ecosystems: e-health Marco Carugi (ZTE) Cheng Li (CATR) Jae-young Ahn (ETRI) Hao Chen (CU) D1.1M2M use cases: e-health Yasuo Ishigure (NTT) Jun Seob Lee (ETRI) D2.1 M2M service layer: requirements and architectural framework Jun Soeb Lee (ETRI) Jiajia Deng (CT) Yasunobu Akaoka (NICT) D3.1 M2M service layer: API and protocol overview Ali Amer (STC) Hideo Himeno (NEC) 6
M2M standardization activities and gap analysis: e-health Scope The scope of this document is to provide a list of e-health related standardization activities progressed by relevant SDOs and to produce a gap analysis resulting in a unique work that could be under the ITU-T purview. ITU-T (Q2/13 and Q28/16) WHO GSMA M-Health Alliance ETSI (M2M for use cases) HL7 DICOM Continua Health Alliance ISO/IEC TC215) CEN TC251 IHE 7 Deliverables D0.1
M2M enabled ecosystems: e-health Scope This deliverable provides an overview of the e-health ecosystem enabled by M2M. The main objectives of this deliverable are to describe concepts of e-health and the conceptual model of the e- health ecosystem incorporating M2M capabilities. 8 Application deployment examples of an e-health system and their environments Deliverables D0.2
M2M use cases: e-health Scope The main objective of this deliverable is to describe use cases of e- health applications and services involving the usage of M2M technologies. Annex A contains some contributed use cases outside of the scope of the FG M2M (that is, these uses cases do not necessarily involve the usage of M2M technologies). 9 No.Use case title 1Legacy mass medical examination 2Travelling mass medical examination with BAN 3Remote patient monitoring 4Telehealth Counseling System 5Telehealth management system using NFC health equipment and smart phone 6Tele-health system for home care support 7Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) 8Easy Clinic 9Personal healthcare data management 10Expert system for medical information/applications sharing Deliverables D1.1
M2M service layer: requirements and architectural framework Scope The objective of this Deliverable is to identify common requirements of M2M service layer for al M2M verticals including e-health specific requirements, and provide architectural framework of M2M service layer. 10 ITU-T M2M service layer Deliverables D2.1
M2M service layer: API and protocol overview Scope This Deliverable provides an overview of APIs and Protocols of the M2M service layer and highlights the M2M reference system model, reference points, protocol structure and stacks. Existing APIs and protocols are summarized for better, and more complete, understanding. API and Protocol requirements are then analysed. 11 Deliverables D3.1 M2M protocol stack
Past meetings 2 nd : June Beijing by CATR 3 rd : August Geneva 4 th : November San Jose by Cisco 5 th : January Santander by Univ. of Cantabria 7 th : April 27-30, Riyadh by STC in 2012 in th : July 16-19, Bordeaux by e-device 6 th, 8 th and 10 th meetings were e-meetings between F2F meetings. 1 st : April Geneva 11 th : October 8-11, Jeju by ETRI
12 th : 3-6 December 2013, London by NEC Future meeting plan 13 Five deliverables will be transferred to the relevant SGs of ITU-T (SG11, SG13 and SG16 etc) after concluding of FG M2M and each SG studies them for further standardizations.
Conclusion Reaching consensus amongst differences in cultures, economies, etc., is no easy task The goal of ITU is to create specifications and guidance for developing countries. It is also important that developing countries roll out e- Health systems using M2M technology based on documentation created at ITU by member states. FG M2M service layer work will concluded December Going forward, relevant SGs in ITU will continue the work. ITU feels it is important to keep close collaboration with Continua Health Alliance and WHO. 14
Thank you!