Healthcare Financing Case Study Group 3
CodeFinancing Agents Financing Sources % Public SectorPrivate Rest of the World HouseholdsDonorsTotal Government HF.1Ministry of Health HF.1.1Civil Servants HF Private Health Insurance HF Households HF Donors 0.0 Totals , %72.95%1.36%
Healthcare Financing Situation Total health expenditure is 1195 Million US$ Per Capita expenditure is 23.9 US$ The portion of the GDP spent on healthcare is 0.026% The portion of Government expenditure on healthcare is 3% Too little spending by the Public Sector; increase contribution of the Public sector
Public SectorPrivate Health Providers Ministry of Health Civil ServantsPrivate Health InsuranceHouseholdsTotalPercentage Public Provider Hospitals Inpatient Outpatient Healthcentres/Dispensaries Public Health Programs Administration Private Providers Hospitals Inpatient Outpatient Pharmacy Administration Treatment Abroad TOTAL , %2.41%0.51%
Suggestions for Improvement Redistribution of health facilities; equity of distribution (40% of the population (West) are receiving only 10% of health services 75% total expenditure is being spent by the household. Government should contribute more Increase admission/visit fees to increase revenue Rational use of drugs 44.5 Million without health insurance (not covered), increase access to health insurance Private sector is far more efficient, public sector needs some kind of administrative reform Resource use is largely in the curative area, whereas PHC is somewhat ignored