Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 GD Functionalities 12 November 2009 Rodolfo La Pietra SG/IS/ASD International Telecommunication Union
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 GD Functionalities Global Directory Management TIES Management GD Map
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 GD Management Data Management GD=Master Database for ITU Membership ITU Member States ITU Sector Members/Associates, Regional/International Organizations Permanent Missions BR (ITU-R) TSD+SSD (mailmerge) ITU staff, Retraités, CEO, Ministers...
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 GD Management History & Archive Reports (full GD in PDF + HTML format) Changes (Company, Contact, Addr, Fax...) Automatic messages Changes (now, today, Last week,...) Inconsistencies Confirmation (automatic denunciation) Warning (denouncing today, next week...)
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 GD Management >120 Lists (easy upgrade) Search by Company, Last name, Country, Region Sort by any displayed field Selection by region, language,... Addresses for Mailmerge (Fax, Address...) Export to Excel/Text/XML/Unicode/Label... Statistics, Totals Full Profile (company, contact, country)
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 GD Management Key Points for users : Flexible & Quick Response to User Needs 5’ to 1h : –create a new list/table –add a field to a table 1 minute : –create a set of data with –Automatic if changes –Read/Write access by group Secure (who did what and when) History, Archive, Statistics,...
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 TIES Management Data Management Users (for Doc Access, Mailing Lists, ) Replicated in Active Directory every hour Groups (for Doc Access, Mailing Lists) Replicated in Active Directory every hour Mailing Lists Notifications
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 TIES Management Web Automated Account Creation Runs every 15 minutes (fully logged) checked Confirmed by Focal Point Request Status screen
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 TIES Management User disabled automatically if : Expired Password not changed Company has Denounced NB: can be restored (not yet deleted)
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 TIES Management Focal Point screen Check & Delete Users in the same company Lists available in the GD Map
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November 2009 GD Map One screen to access all functionalities All lists (>120) with various interfaces 3 Logins : GD+TIES Data Management “Login” TIES “Account Login” TIES “ Login” FAQs Documentation
Committed to Connecting the World International Telecommunication Union November