The Golden Book, WSIS Stocktaking, ICT Success Stories International Telecommunication Union Moderators/Facilitators’ Consultation Meeting UNOG, Geneva,


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Presentation transcript:

The Golden Book, WSIS Stocktaking, ICT Success Stories International Telecommunication Union Moderators/Facilitators’ Consultation Meeting UNOG, Geneva, 24 February 2006 Presentation prepared for the official launch of the Golden Book. For more information, please send an to

The Golden Book: Origins  Swiss proposal  Swiss proposal during PrepCom-2 for a “stakeholder commitments paper”, later endorsed by Intergovernmental Bureau of PrepCom.  Questionnaire launched in October 2005 Golden Book database  Creation of the Golden Book database commitmentsand new initiatives  Invitation to all WSIS Stakeholders to submit commitments and new initiatives announced during the Tunis Phase of WSIS

The Golden Book: Origins 20 October31 January 2006  Database open for entries from 20 October to 31 January 2006 commitments  By 1 February, 378 commitments registered official launch  24 February 2006: official launch  The Golden Book Report  The Golden Book CD Rom

Breakdown of activities by entity 378 Commitments Scope of activities

378 Commitments Breakdown by type of activity

378 Commitments Timescale of activities Breakdown by origin

Amount of financial commitments by stakeholder 378 commitments € 3.2 billion >

Breakdown by anticipated expenditure 378 commitments € 3.2 billion > 378 commitments

€ 3.2 billion > Scale of financial commitments by different stakeholders

 China: 'Cun Cun Tong' Project  Villages Connected: The overall goal of this project is the realization of universal access to telephone service in the nearly 70,000 villages having no telephone coverage.  Egypt: The Million Book Project  Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) and its partners are working together to demonstrate the project’s feasibility by digitizing one million books within three years and publishing them as a searchable collection on the internet. All project partners are providing content to ensure that the collection is extensive, diverse and multilingual.  Pan African E-Network Project  The network should connect all 53 countries of the African Union to provide effective communication and connectivity among these countries. Selected large commitments Governments

 European Union: GEANT2  The European Union supports a broader policy to ensure the global reach of research and education networks. It includes also the launching of concrete initiatives to support developing regions in the world, in particular the Mediterranean rim, Latin America and Asia via the projects EUMEDconnect, ALICE and TEIN2, respectively.  ITU: “Connect the World”  Multi-stakeholder partnership launched in 2005 to work towards connecting the estimated 800’000 villages worldwide still without ICTs.  World Bank: Africa Regional Initiative  Regional Communications Infrastructure Program in East and Southern Africa is an investment and Technical Assistance (TA) project in support of the liberalization of telecommunication markets in Eastern and Southern African countries and the development of a modern fiber-optic backbone to connect these countries to each other and the rest of the world. Selected commitments Int’l and regional organisations

 INTEL Corporation: Intel Teach to the Future  Intel Corporation will train an additional 10 million teachers in developing nations over the next five years in the use of technology to enhance learning. Intel also will donate 100,000 PCs to classrooms in developing nations in order to improve learning skills.  Microsoft:  Canada’s IDRC, Microsoft Corp and the Swiss SDC announced the launch of, a collaborative initiative that will strengthen the capacity of tens of thousands of community-based telecentres around the world.  Sentech: Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in South Africa  Digitisation of the Television Broadcasting infrastructure will enable systems to seamlessly carry broadcasting, data and voice content efficiently. Digital television broadcasting and, more specifically, digital terrestrial broadcasting, opens up many possibilities for providing universal access on a very broad basis. Selected commitments Business Sector Entities

 Village Phone Replication Manual Grameen Foundation USA  GFUSA is working to spread the successful Village Phone model throughout the developing world with the release of its Village Phone Replication Manual. The manual, which draws from the experiences of Village Phone in both Bangladesh and Uganda, provides a blueprint for bringing affordable, accessible telecommunications service to poor, rural areas through microfinance.  New Arabic Development Portal Development Gateway Foundation  Bibliotheca Alexandrina (BA) and the Development Gateway Foundation will unveil plans for a new Arabic language web portal on development. The portal aims to address the existing shortage of development information for the Arab World.  'One Dollar for Development' FORMIT Foundation  The ODFD initiative aims at making available at no cost e-Government applications owned by developed countries to developing countries by encouraging North-South and South-South cooperation as an effective contribution to development and as a means to share and transfer good practices and technologies. Selected commitments Civil Society Entities

WSIS Stocktaking  Ongoing process  Collaborative database  Online questionnaire  More than 2’600 projects registered  Basis for future evaluation  Report on Stocktaking published at Tunis Summit

WSIS Stocktaking: Future  Tunis Agenda, paragraph 120  “The sharing of information related to the implementation of WSIS outcomes is an important element of evaluation. We note with appreciation the report on the Stocktaking of WSIS-related activities, which will serve as one of the valuable tools for assisting with the follow-up, beyond the conclusion of the Tunis Phase of the Summit, as well as the “Golden Book” of initiatives launched during the Tunis phase. We encourage all WSIS stakeholders to continue to contribute information on their activities to the public WSIS stocktaking database, maintained by ITU. In this regard, we invite all countries to gather information at the national level with the involvement of all stakeholders, to contribute to the stocktaking.”

WSIS Stocktaking: Future progress  Tracking progress made in building the Information Society Stocktaking Database  Maintaining and improving the Internet-based Stocktaking Database descriptions of projects  Encouraging all WSIS stakeholders to submit and update descriptions of projects links to moderators/facilitators  Establishing the necessary links to moderators/facilitators to share and exchange information efficiently

WSIS Stocktaking: Future awareness  Raising awareness of the content of the database among all WSIS stakeholders through greater information and publicity analytical tools  Developing analytical tools and materials emphasizing countries’ experiences and best practices  Publication  Publication of future editions of the Stocktaking Report to present the efforts of all stakeholders in WSIS implementation

ICT Success Stories portal  Interactive portal highlighting best practices in the ICT sector Plan of Action  Requested in the Plan of Action (para 28e)  Web Portal  Web Portal components - Database - Database with more then 600 success stories - Resources - Resources on ICT for development  Criteria for project selection - Focus on developing countries, multi-stakeholder partnerships, successful outcome, innovative approach, cross-sectoral-sector, targeting vulnerable groups, etc Official Launch March 2006

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