Mission Independent Group Feb. 4 th 2009 Planning Concept Meeting
Planning Concept Workshop (2) Agenda - morning Presentations: conceptual level, implementation not discussed 9:30 Rosetta 10:00 BepiColombo 10:30 break 10:45 MIG: Generic planning concept + lessons learned from routine operations 11:15 GSP activity 11:30 TEC-SWM: Conceptual SGS proposal 12:15 Lunch
Planning Concept Workshop (3) Agenda – early afternoon Discussion sessions 13:00 'science driven' observation selection assessing the science objectives - are they achievable – attach value? capturing the planning information - what is needed to identify and prioritise observations? defining use cases - appropriate levels of abstraction for effective planning observation life cycle - mission analysis, opportunity analysis through to ingestion in the archive 14:00 'knowledge driven' planning process defining planning horizons based on planning information availability/predictability preservation of planning information over planning boundaries
Planning Concept Workshop (4) Agenda – late afternoon 15:00 'prediction limited' plan validation plan validation reference modelling/simulation needed for resource assessment (pointing, power, thermal, data) SPICE for planning? 16:00 Identifying requirements - first steps prerequisites for ROS, BC based on mission characteristics feasibility assessment (P v/d Plas) consolidating requirements with other groups 17:00 next steps outline meeting plan involvement of other missions/groups prototyping and studies responsibilities
Mission Independent Group Feb. 4 th 2009 Generic Planning Concept
Planning Concept Workshop (6) Present Status A science planning concept does not exist for the planetary missions in routine phase Planning requirements are poorly documented. All SGS for planetary missions in routine phase have tools for: Simulation and request validation (MAPPS, EPS, MIRA) Visualisation of underlying request files (MAPPS, MIRA) There are no science planning tools in use, done by the teams PI teams prepare requests without access to all available planning information and/or planning tools. Selections made without assessment of impact on other participants Any choices made do not propagate to all parties Result: conflicting requests, unnecessary iteration, sub-optimal planning Planning process is not transparent Information lost whenever requests cross an interface The goals of the science planning are obscured Prioritisation of observations extremely hard (impossible ?) to assess No feedback from previous plans, no knowledge of future opportunities Observations selection not driven by the LTP science goals
Planning Concept Workshop (7) Need for a Planning Concept All missions face the same science planning problem: How can the science return be optimised while remaining within the operational constraints of the mission? The planning process should be transparent and place all planning selections in the context of the entire mission (as a minimum). Generic Concept: Formulate the science goals in operational terms Identify the conditions to satisfy an experiment teams’ request Find the best time in the mission to schedule the requests Prioritise requests to optimise the science return of the mission Ensure that the operational constraints are not violated Generic Concept: Formulate the science goals in operational terms Identify the conditions to satisfy an experiment teams’ request Find the best time in the mission to schedule the requests Prioritise requests to optimise the science return of the mission Ensure that the operational constraints are not violated Generic Concept: Identify the data flow between all involved planning parties Propagate planning choices Track the progress of plans Generic Concept: Identify the data flow between all involved planning parties Propagate planning choices Track the progress of plans
Planning Concept Workshop (8) Goal of Science Planning Science goals of ESA missions have remained top—level, vague, ambitions well specified constraints permit a plan to be validated well specified constraints permit a plan to be validated resources need to be known, calculated or predicted. resources need to be known, calculated or predicted. science return must be quantifiable science return must be quantifiable Maximise the science return without violating constraints or exceeding resources Maximise the science return without violating constraints or exceeding resources Generic Concept: Identify achievable science objectives for the nominal mission Generic Concept: Identify achievable science objectives for the nominal mission
Planning Concept Workshop (9) Science Driven Analysis Opportunity analysis: sufficient planning information being available to reliably identify when observations are possible Planning information can be categorised as: static – unchanging characteristics of a mission predictable – information that can be modelled or simulated unpredictable – uncertainty needs to be accommodated within the plan Generic Concept: Only the SGS has access to the information needed to identify opportunities To accomplish this it is necessary to know: when a predetermined set of information is complete with acceptable accuracy how to proceed to obtain the opportunities Generic Concept: Only the SGS has access to the information needed to identify opportunities To accomplish this it is necessary to know: when a predetermined set of information is complete with acceptable accuracy how to proceed to obtain the opportunities
Planning Concept Workshop (10) Static planning information The concept will need accommodate some parameters of the planning problem that have already been fixed: platform has been designed payloads have been selected Able to define how experiments observe and what the target allows us to observe Generic Concept: Fixed aspects of the mission can be treated as planning information Detector characteristics, sensitivity criteria Platform limitations The target object (known to varying degrees, from Smart-1 to Rosetta) Generic Concept: Fixed aspects of the mission can be treated as planning information Detector characteristics, sensitivity criteria Platform limitations The target object (known to varying degrees, from Smart-1 to Rosetta)
Planning Concept Workshop (11) Observation requirements E.g. For a detector to perform an certain observation requires: Generic Concept: the characteristics of a mission represent the known/static planning information they can form the foundation of a valid science observation Generic Concept: the characteristics of a mission represent the known/static planning information they can form the foundation of a valid science observation Observation requirementKnown information a phase angle between … and... degreesDetector sensitivity to be orbit aligned with FoV …Detector design an altitude of less than... kmResolving power a footprint velocity of less than... m/sMinimum integration time Solar longitude between... and... degreesTarget seasons 10% overlap with adjacent observationCoverage requirements
Planning Concept Workshop (12) Unknown planning information The orbit may be undefined it will be constrained by the experiment design: maximum footprint velocity (minimum dwell time) Coverage requirements are well known: Spatial/spectral/temporal coverage Target environment The orbit is further constrained further by the spacecraft design: spacecraft fuel budget slew rates (AOCS) spacecraft resources (data budget, power budget) Generic Concept: SGS should have the means to select a baseline orbit that will optimise the science return within the resources. Generic Concept: SGS should have the means to select a baseline orbit that will optimise the science return within the resources.
Planning Concept Workshop (13) Predictable Information In terms of a planning concept it is only important to: identify the missing information needed to validate a plan demonstrate that it will be predictable and at what time (e.g. once a baseline orbit is delivered). MEX approach to opportunity analysis enhances the information associated to a valid opportunity: Primary geometric parameters used to identify a valid opportunity contextual geometry used to provide a qualitative assessment Generic Concept: Planning horizons are based on planning information availability/predictability Generic Concept: Planning horizons are based on planning information availability/predictability
Planning Concept Workshop (14) Knowledge driven planning Planning HorizonDescriptionRequired InformationOutcome Mission analysisall possible observations given the known and predictable mission characteristics Orbit candidatesAchievable science objectives Science activity planAssessment of the contribution to defined science objectives Science objectives Assessment criteria Mission Phases Prioritisation Long-term scheduleinitial selection based on a prioritisation of observations to resolve an achievable plan. Orbit prediction Resource estimations Feedback from executed observations Baseline schedule Medium term schedulea refinement of the selection based on the latest resource assessment Baseline schedule Accurate orbit prediction Accurate resource prediction Observation selection Short-term scheduleA refinement to the observation parameters Previous observation results Predicted attitude Commanded observations FeedbackResults from a planned Observation campaign Planned observations Status of each observation Re-prioritise future obs. Refresh from LTP down
Planning Concept Workshop (15) Science Driven Planning revisited Observations Measurements Science Objectives “Scenarios” Orbit types Operational constraints Science Themes & Sub-Themes Trajectory Science Operations Top-level science goals Quantifiable Physical parameters Environment Timeline Pointing Sequences PTR blocks ITL/POR PTR Iteration on operational missions Iteration based on all available planning information Link between operations and pointing lost Link to observation lost
Planning Concept Workshop (16) Planning iteration For science driven planning the iteration must be on observation level Avoid the loss of planning information Permits higher level abstraction Commanding requests can be generated Generic Concept: Planning information should be preserved over planning horizons and interfaces. Iterations should take place on object that pools all of the information related to an observation Generic Concept: Planning information should be preserved over planning horizons and interfaces. Iterations should take place on object that pools all of the information related to an observation
Planning Concept Workshop (17) Resource Assessment For each of the resource types: There will be a reference model The nature of the mission will demand a level of accuracy for each resource type Generic Concept: SGS validation must be synchronised with the reference model Resource estimation will be used to assess validity of observation Accuracy of prediction may impact the science return depending on the mission characteristics Critical resources should be identified Acceptable level of accuracy for each resource type Generic Concept: SGS validation must be synchronised with the reference model Resource estimation will be used to assess validity of observation Accuracy of prediction may impact the science return depending on the mission characteristics Critical resources should be identified Acceptable level of accuracy for each resource type
Mission Independent Group Feb. 4 th 2009 GSP Planning Information Repository Simulation Modules Environment Payload Spacecraft Thermal Slew Module Science Opportunity Analyser Planner & Scheduler Request Generation Visualisation Module Requests Geometry Existing Prototype Missing Information Repository Payload Definition Observation Request Science Objectives Constraints Priorities Feedback Execution Success Data Quality Focus of study: Information repository Reuse existing / prototype modules
Planning Concept Workshop (19) Requirements
Planning Concept Workshop (20) Drivers
Planning Concept Workshop (21) Capabilities
Planning Concept Workshop (22) Repository Architecture
Planning Concept Workshop (23) Development Schedule Prerequisite: Generic planning concept Reference SGS implementation