Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Main findings on biodiversity 1.Biodiversity is being lost at rates unprecedented in human history 2.Losses of biodiversity.


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Presentation transcript:

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Main findings on biodiversity 1.Biodiversity is being lost at rates unprecedented in human history 2.Losses of biodiversity and decline of ecosystem services is of a concern for human well-being, especially for the poorest 3.Costs borne by society due to biodiversity loss is often greater than the benefits gained through ecosystem change 4.The drivers of change are steady or, more often, increasing 5.Many successful response options have been used, but further progress will require actions to address the drivers of biodiversity loss 6.Unprecedented additional efforts would be required to achieve, by 2010, a significant reduction in the rate of biodiversity loss at all levels Walter Reid Anantha Duraiappah Oliver Coomes Walter Reid Anantha Duraiappah David Cooper

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Main findings on biodiversity Walter Reid, Director, Millennium Assessment Secretariat Findings 1 and 4: Biodiversity loss and the drivers Status and trends in biodiversity: findings of the MA Anantha Duraiappah, IISD,Co-Chair for the Biodiversity Synthesis Findings 2, 3 and 5: Ecosystem services decline, cost and responses Biodiversity and human well-being

Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Main findings on biodiversity David Cooper, Senior Programme Officer, SCBD Finding 6: Link with 2010 biodiversity target Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Implications for the CBD Discussion Oliver Coomes, Department of Georgraphy, McGill University Finding 2: Losses of biodiversity and link with poverty Biological Diversity and Poverty Alleviation