1 SMOS IOCP Key-Point 0 09 Dec ESAC SMOS Commissioning activities In Orbit Commissioning Activities : System Reviews F.Bermudo / CNES
2 SMOS IOCP Key-Point 0 09 Dec ESAC SMOS Commissioning activities In the frame of the “In orbit Commissioning activities”, different milestones are planned in January 2010 : - Thales Platform Commissioning Key Point on 14 of January - Payload Key Point 1 on 20 of January - In orbit System Assessment Review on 20 and 21 of January The Platform Commissioning Keypoint : - Presentation made by Thales in Cannes of the detailed Platform in orbit commissioning results - This milestone will conclude formally the Thales development activities and will start the Thales In-flight MCO ( Operationnal Support Phase ) - As for previous SL development review’s, a summary of the Payload status would be appreciated : general behavior, PLM Health check results, Thermal, Bus IF …etc
3 SMOS IOCP Key-Point 0 09 Dec ESAC SMOS Commissioning activities In orbit System Assessment Review on 20 and 21 of January : - Presentations made by CNES and ESA in Toulouse will address the detailed In Orbit System Commissioning activities, with main objectives : MISSION ANALYSIS : Launch, Maneuvers ( sma, delta i ), Maneuver budget SATELLITE : Spacecraft (Bus and Payload) Assessment of functional behavior & performances ( Power AOCS Mechanical Thermal Command & control …), S band transceiver Link budget. GROUND SEGMENT : Satellite Operational ground segment status ( SOCC, PLPC, XBAS ), Network and interfaces, data transfers OPERATIONS : Ops feedback from LEOP & assessment phase, Satellite/Payload Data Base, ground surveillances, Operational process in routine DOCUMENTATION STATUS : Sequence plans, Operational CNES/ESA interface documents for routine (OIA, ICD…), On orbit management plan - This milestone will formally start the SL routine phase with the Hand Over from CNES development team to the CNES Operational team Payload Key Point 1 on 20 of January : - Proposal to converge on a joint agenda to merge the both KP and In orbit System Review objectives : a duration of 2 days meeting in Toulouse on 20 and 21 of January seems fully compatible to achieve objectives of the both meetings.
4 SMOS IOCP Key-Point 0 09 Dec ESAC SMOS Commissioning activities Miscellaneous : Operation during week 52/53 CNES will be closed from December 24th until January 3rd, as a consequence, a very restricted number of people will be allowed to enter in CNES facilities : only for emergency situation or safety reason. One single Proteus operation team on duty ( Mission/Space segment/Ground segment) Strategy proposed for Payload operation : Last (.. for 2009) PLM TC group uploaded on December 23 at the latest In case of red alarm on PLM, operational procedure applied with call of the Mission Operation Manager hot line Only validated procedure to ensure safety of the PLM will be performed : up to switch off if necessary, no additional investigation nor PLM Switch on realized during the period Upload of SL TC (guidance) group in automatic mode on during this period