Annex 15 Chapter 5 Inclusion of AI Products as proposed in SN6 Provision requirements included in current Chapter 10 covered under terrain and obstacle data sets AIP data set included as a recommendation (in its entirety or in parts) without any specific date AMD: should be provided where data is available Pre-flight information service in Chapter 8 provisions edited and included. PIB remains as an option (in a note) Post-flight information service incorporated without changing the existing text. Overall consistency editing To be done: distribution services for data sets
PANS-AIM Chapter 5 Discussion on provisions for differences: no major change (not in scope) Addition of detailed provisions from Doc 8126 about AIP – e.g. specifications for multiple volumes, page numbering, use of ISO-Latin Alphabet, formatting for coordinates, etc. Still to be done: AIP amendments, Supplements, NOTAMs, data sets + develop criteria for when data sets may « replace » AIP contents
Annex 15 Chapter 6 Long discussion on update synchronization - AIP, AIP and IFP data sets shall be synchronized The rest: already stable so just minor edits Still to be done : update to data sets
PANS-AIM Chapter 6 Application of the « no Annex – PANS duplication » Review of NOTAM provisions: addition of some provisions from the Manual Review of AIP provisions and consistency checks It was confirmed that (regular) NOTAM will be used to update data sets – implicit statement Still to be done: provisions for data sets
Other items Chapter 1 –AI Product (added definition) and AIS product + IAIP removal –Amendment to english language specifications (Englsh language to be used for all AI products intended for international distribution) Chapter 3 –Rounding provisions from 8126 Chapter 8 –Pre-flight and Post-flight information service (8.1.1, and 8.3) included in Ch 5 Chapter 10 –All provision requirements ( to ) included in Ch 5 and split between terrain data sets and obstacles data sets Some traces for the traceability matrices
Other work to be done Moving the current Annex 15 Appendices to PANS- AIM –Appendix 1 – Contents of the AIP (Ch 5) –Appendix 2 - SNOWTAM (Ch 5) –Appendix 3 - ASHTAM (Ch 5) –Appendix 5 – NOTAM distribution (Ch 5) –Appendix 6 – NOTAM format (Ch 5) –Appendix 8 – eTOD : to be discussed (parts go to Annex, parts go to Ch 4, parts go to Ch5) Moving = copy paste except for NOTAM Manual (merging with NSC from 8126) Chapter 1 : how to deal with reference systems + miscellaneous Chapter 8 : remaining parts (8.2) to be addressed
Our challenges We split provisions between Annex and PANS –Risk: having to re-do the whole exercise pending difference of status between Annex and PANS + potential inconsistencies in the application per chapter We (try to) fix issues in the existing text –Risk: we spend too much time on this – detrimental to the rest We upgrade – and sometimes change – provisions from Doc 8126 –Risk: having very detailed provisions on legacy / hardly any material for new items We split provisions between chapters – esp. 5&6 –Risk: not a « clean » structure, e.g. NOTAMs We (have to) develop provisions for new items – data sets –Risk: neglected task since it is more difficult than editing existing text We have to document the rationale for all these changes –Risk: time-consumption, multiple traces (or none)
Proposed way forward Check ASAP the difference of status between Annex and PANS (and assess consequences) Give priority to the development of provisions on new elements in both Annex and PANS + joint work on Chapter 4 tables Editing existing text + upgrade from Doc 8126 to be parked until later : to be integrated at the end of our work process (time permitting) Traceability matrices to be developed as per action items split by chapter / section (and participants !)
Traceability Chapter 1 done Chapter 4 (AIP) – Eva Chapter 5 (NOTAM) – Eva Chapter 6 done Chapter 7 done Chapter 8 done Chapter 10 – Stephane Chapter 11 – Stephane
Data set provisions 5.4 Digital data sets: list of the data sets + standard for metadata AIP data set: brief description + provision requirements / 5.4.3: Terrain / Obstacle data set: brief description + provision requirements + obstacle not to be included in terrain data sets AMD data set: brief description + provision requirements IFP data set: brief description + provision requirements 5.5 Distribution services: 1 sentence for data sets
Existing « data set » provisions Chapters of Annex 15 –Intended applications (in a note) -> to be done for each data set (already available for eTOD and AMD) (Stephane) –Coverage areas and provision requirements (done) –Coordination for areas at the border between States for AIP data set and IFP data set (see Annex 15 para and and Annex 4 para ) -> to be done (Eva) –Contents of the data set -> to be done for AIP data set and IFP data set with a « free text » description, also add elements for AMD (Eddy) –Link to features and numerical requirements listed in the tables of Ch4 -> to be included –Product specification: ISO reference, standards for information about the data sets (general information, description of contents, geographical scope, data quality, metadata) to be available to users -> to be included (Eddy)
Existing « data set » provisions EU 73/2010 –Data protection -> to be done (safeguard scheme) –Performance requirements for the data model and the exchange model (way to describe AIXM or ARINC 424 without quoting them and without a specific version) -> to be done for AIP data set and IFP data set and to be included in para 5.5 Distribution services (Eddy)
Other Overlap / duplication in data sets: no provision because flexibility required Distribution services: provide motre details on the way to issue the data set – Reuse existing standards (eg AIS MET DL OSED) –Per request (request / reply) –Broadcast –Discovery (wrt registry) –Etc.