SICA, ECADERT & BELIZE The Central American Integration System (SICA) is the institutional framework of Regional Integration in Central America, created by the States of Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama SICA was established on December 13, 1991, by the signing of the Tegucigalpa Protocol Relevant bodies of the System Meeting of Presidents and Heads of State. It is the supreme organ of the Central American Integration System. Councils of Ministers: One of these is the Central American Agricultural Council (CAC). It was also created in 1991. Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Belize is a member of the CAC 2
SICA, ECADERT & BELIZE ECADERT is an initiative in the framework of the SICA Its formulation process was approved by the XXXIII Central American Presidents and Heads of State Summit (December 5, 2008) They agreed to formulate the Central American Strategy for Rural Territorial Development in the following way To instruct the Central American Agricultural Council to prioritize the development of a Central American Strategy for the Rural Territorial Sustainable Development, in coordination with relevant institutions of SICA, and to manage regional and international technical cooperation and financial support for this strategy 3
ECADERT Formulation & Approval Process Establishment Regional Team (SECAC, IICA, RUTA) Establishment of Working Groups Preparatory Phase Guidelines for the process Formulation Definition of General aspects (Vision, mission, objectives, functions, etc) Final Regional and National consultation Draft version of ECADERT Revision & consultation Ministers Council CAC Presentation to Ministers of Foreign Affairs Presidential and Heads of State Summit approves Political Agreements GTI-CAC reviews and approves Presentation to International Coop. CA Meeting about RTD First national and regional consultation Contributions to the formulation process Adjustment based on consultation process GTI-CAC reviews and approves Dec 08 – Feb 09 Mar – Aug 09 Aug - Oct 09 Nov - Dec 2009
ECADERT webpage at Electronic fora: General, Family farming, Rural youth, Knowldege management, Education and capacity-building General information and gender issues at