International Civil Aviation Organization Nancy Graham Director - Air Navigation Bureau 28 October 2011 Symposium on RSOOs Meeting Outcomes
2 SESSION 1:Purpose and classification of RSOOs (Moderator: Mr. Eckard Seebohm) The Symposium reviewed the different models of RSOOs and forms of regional cooperation and considered that, as a principle, there is no “one-size-fits-all” institutional solution for all RSOOs. The Symposium considered that when engaging in the establishment of an RSOO, founding States should address as a first step the question of the powers, responsibilities and functions of the RSOO. The Symposium considered that there is a need to properly define and classify RSOOs, in order to allow all stakeholders (such as ICAO, technical cooperation partners, etc.) to better adapt their activities to the type of RSOO they are dealing with. The Symposium also considered that it would be useful to develop establishing an inventory / list of different RSOO functions and responsibilities along with the preparation of corresponding guidance material and tools to better assist States in the tailor-made set up of RSOOs (“tool-box” concept). Project title (Insert, Header & Footer)
3 SESSION 2:Benefits of regional cooperation (Moderator: Ms. Kerryn Macaulay) Project title (Insert, Header & Footer) The Symposium considered that more should be done to promote the benefits of establishing an RSOO, including the significant cost savings that could result from the sharing or pooling scarce resources. The Symposium considered that member States of an RSOO should review, in accordance with the tool- box concept the benefits associated with each possible institutional model, as part of the pre-RSOO establishment analysis.
4 SESSION 3:Enablers, obstacles and lessons learnt (Moderator: Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu) Project title (Insert, Header & Footer) The Symposium also considered that guidance material should be developed to highlight the challenges faced by States that wish to be member of more than one RSOO. The guidance should clearly indicate that, in the event of a State being a member of more than one RSOO, the mandate and functions delegated by the State to each RSOO should not be the same.
5 SESSION 4:Establishment of a funding mechanism to ensure the sustainability of an RSOO (Moderator: Mr. David Reble) Project title (Insert, Header & Footer) The Symposium considered that although Government funding was the ideal way to fund an RSOO, it had proven to be not always possible and practical. The use of a safety passenger levy was therefore considered as a possible way forward towards providing for the sustainable funding of an RSOO. On balance, there will need to be some parameters and safeguards set. The Symposium however considered that there was equally a need for full transparency of the costs involved and the use of any revenue collected for the purpose of safety oversight. The Symposium also agreed that for RSOO’s cost-recovery purposes, existing key policies on user charges, such as non-discrimination, cost-relatedness, cost- effectiveness and consultation, could be applied. The Symposium considered that ICAO should develop guidance on the sustainable funding of an RSOO, to include the use of funds generated from levies, such as a passenger safety levy, which are currently not covered by existing ICAO policies or guidance on user charges.
6 SESSION 5:Promotion of financial and technical assistance from the international aviation community (Moderator: Mr. Iván Galán Martínez) Project title (Insert, Header & Footer) The Symposium also considered the increasingly important role played by industry partners in supporting safety initiatives within a region and the establishment and operation of an RSOO, by the provision of both financial contributions and in-kind assistance. The Symposium also considered that, in order to attract funding from stakeholders and financial institutions, the RSOO had to demonstrate good governance and the ability to effectively implement its mandate. The Symposium therefore considered that in this respect, systems should be put in place to routinely evaluate the capability of an RSOO to meet its objectives and performance targets and the expectations of its member States.
7 SESSION 6:The RSOO’s role in relation to new ICAO strategies and programmes (Moderator: Mr. Mervyn G. Fernando) Project title (Insert, Header & Footer) The Symposium proposed that a global project be developed for the purpose of ensuring adequate and sustainable funding for RSOOs, in order that they meet their objectives. The Symposium considered that RSOOs should develop collaborative networks for sharing outputs / best practices. It was also considered that ICAO assess the resource impacts of all ICAO outputs on safety oversight systems and where impact is great, identify champions to develop models that can be readily adapted to implement the ICAO requirements. The Symposium considered that RSOOs can play an important role assisting States in the development of their SSPs and that they could serve as sources of both proactive information and human resources for CMA intervention strategies. The Symposium recognized that there is a need to ensure appropriate dialogue and synergies between the RSOOs and the RASGs. In addition, there should be no duplication of effort between them.
8 SESSION 7: Roles of an RSOO in the management of safety information and/or data (Moderator: Ms. Nancy Graham) Project title (Insert, Header & Footer) The Symposium recognized the role that RSOOs can play in establishing mandatory and voluntary incident reporting systems to facilitate collection of information on actual or potential safety deficiencies and an accident and incident database to facilitate the effective analysis of information to determine any preventive actions required. The Symposium considered that RSOOs can facilitate the efficient collection, storage, analysis and exchange of safety data and information. It was considered that they can have economies of scale in processing and storing information provided that appropriate protocols for ensuring mandatory requirements for States to access information are developed. The Symposium reviewed the benefits of establishing Regional Accident and Incident Investigation Organizations (RAIOs) and was reminded of the need to ensure close collaboration between RSOOs and RAIOs.
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