Internet Governance Impact over BB access for all Ibaa Oueichek Syrian Telecom Est. Min. of Communications and Technology
What is IG ? The Term “Internet Governance” (IG) is not easily defined. A “safe” definition a la “WGIG” is : –Internet governance is the development and application by Governments, the private sector and civil society, in their respective roles, of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet. IGF is a forum which was set to “talk about” IG after the WSIS (should we say failure of IG efforts in WSIS known as WGIG?).
Motivation Internet today IS broadband Most “interesting” applications need broadband Is it a coincidence that countries who have high penetration of BB enjoy high economic growth ? National policies *DO* have a major role to play GOAL : Deployment of large scale BB Internet *AND* transforming this into a social and economic development tool. Question : Could this be reached ONLY through technological means ? First response : No !! كل الحق على الطليان => كل الحق على الآيكان !!
Provocation Several issues related to BB development : Technology, business model, national policy, applications, PRICE, etc. Even in advanced countries, national policies plays a major role in developing BB access BUT, what about developing countries (US) ? Even if we have the best technology, best business model, and best national policy, this may not be enough to make the breakthrough Global IG issues, if unsolved, will remain a major obstacle into limiting bb access in developing countries.
IG vacuum Some areas in the Internet are “over governed”. Mainly those which are under ICANN responsibility –Internet Domains : Impossible to create a new domain w/o ICANN agreement. –IP addresses : are getting more and more scarce. ICANN/IANA/RIR (Go figure !!) are enforcing more and more restrictive measures for IP allocation. Main problem : ICANN is “private sector led”, governments have only advisory role (GAC).
IG Crisis Some areas are not covered by ANY governance : –Content : No way to block inappropriate content (NOT only related to cultural values, grey market VOIP could be considered as undesirable content, skype is simply SCARY and cannot even be blocked !!). –Security : No real consensus on cyber crime definition and how to fight against it. Example : currently there is no efficient way to block DDOS attacks, even US CERT suffered !! –Some people see this is good for Internet to stay w/o governance. –They are simply WRONG !!
Access High cost for Internet Infrastructure Mainly due by the long distance of cables to “hook” to the Internet. But also by high Internet feed cost (we pay to connect with them, and they use the net to send us content we cannot control : grey market VOIP, SPAM, etc). A new form of embargo from “new world order” restricting Internet access to countries which they don’t like !!
Components of solution Make the case clear in forums, ask for preferential prices for Internet connectivity (after all, developed countries need also to expand the Internet). Encourage local hosting of content. Needs real efforts in terms of reliability, performance, and price (local IXP). National policies and initiatives are to be encouraged. Build “huge pipes” to the Internet to negotiate better prices (e.g : Regional NAPs in the Arab world). Try to enforce better accounting rules where cost is shared by both sides of the connection. Encourage “peering” between Arab countries and friends.
Multilingualism The possibility to use the Internet in the native language of the user. The Internet IS changing, no more an overwhelming majority of English speakers. South Asian countries are leading the trend. Two issues here : –Content –Internationalized domain names (IDN) What is the use of a wonderful website if the user cannot type the URL easily ?
Multilingualism Source : 2 nd Q 2008http://
IDN Several years of “battle”, finally ICANN approved plans for IDN. Two types of IDN : “fast track” for ccTLD, and full fledged procedure for gTLD IDNs. Problem and concerns (will be sent to ICANN during public comments period) : –The gTLD process is open competition, too open !! –Published process doesn’t give rights to governments to object. –Definition of “community” is vague. –IDN is not tested enough to be deployed in gTLD : several problems identified within Arabic script (NOT language !!). –Fast track success is threatened by IDN gTLDs. –We talk about IDN but the whole process docs are in English –Public comments period is too short (45 days !!).
Recommendation on Domains Regarding new TLDs, including IDN : –Use the current public period comments to ask ICANN for a clear right of governments to claim domains which represent national symbols (such as “.arab,.عربي”). –Go for it, make a request and let us have this domain. Ongoing effort, led by the LAS. –Work for a standard version of Arabic characters which could be SAFELY used to register domains. Ongoing effort, IETF information document, hopefully ITU standard, more to come !!
Critical resources space is almost depleted Emerging countries facing enormous difficulties obtaining Routing tables are getting HUGE !! Mainly due to legacy distribution Process will get even more difficult with the last /8 being put under strict rationing Worse : “rumors” that some entities which have a lot of IP addresses plan on auctioning them !!
Recommendation on addresses Accelerate migration to IPv6, unfortunately there is no real Arab initiative in this side. Lobby for a higher share of dare we say “ask for ArabNIC”, esp. important for Asian Arab countries. Lobby against auctioning current by those who “own” them !! Lobby for a faire share of (there no such thing as “infinite”) !! Support other developing countries in their claim for a better share of resources.
Conclusion No doubt that large development of BB Internet is one of the major targets of any country. IG issues should be addressed and not neglected because they impact seriously this development Arab countries are trying to have a unified position : heading to Cairo IGF in Building a common position in front of (not against) ICANN. Working with other International organizations (ITU).
Thank you