THE COUNCIL OF EUROPE and the Information Society Council of Europe Summit (May 2005), Action Plan on e-democracy: "We will also take initiatives so that our member states make use of the opportunities provided by the information society. In this connection the Council of Europe will examine how ICT can facilitate democratic reform and practice."
RECOMMENDATIONS / DECLARATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS TO MEMBER STATES Recommendation Rec(2004)11 on legal, operational and technical standards for e-voting (September 2004) Recommendation Rec(2004)15 on electronic governance (« e- governance ») (December 2004) AND Declaration on Human Rights and the rule of law in the information society (May 2005) Declaration on freedom of communication on the Internet (May 2003)
The Internet literacy handbook (2006)
Recommendation Rec(2004)11 on e-voting General principle: E-voting must be as reliable and secure as democratic elections and referendums which do not involve the use of electronic means Rationale: -apply the principles of democratic elections to e-voting; -provide member states with a comprehensive checklist for all stages of the electoral process; -set minimum standards for remote and non-remote e-voting -promote and ensure interoperability of e-voting systems.
Follow-up to the e-voting Recommendation The Recommendation requires the Committee of Ministers (CM) to review progress made with e-voting and the application of the Recommendation two years after its adoption The present meeting is expected to provide the CM with the elements for such a review, so as to enable it to assess the application and validity of the Recommendation assess the application and validity of the Recommendation identify future prospects and challenges, and the role of the Council of Europe identify future prospects and challenges, and the role of the Council of Europe
Recommendation Rec(2004)15 on electronic governance (« e-governance ») provides guidelines for Council of Europe member states to develop strategies and a shared vision of e- governance that by: strengthening democratic institutions at all levels and making them more accessible, transparent, accountable and responsive; providing opportunities for all to participate in the process of decision-making, thereby contributing to a more dynamic, inclusive democracy; improving public administration and services by making them more accessible, user-centred, transparent, efficient and cost-effective.
CAHDE Terms of Reference examine developments on e-democracy/e-participation at European and international level, including g2c and c2c communication and interaction, with a view to identifying political, social, ethical, legislative and technological issues and their interdependence, as well as examples of emerging good practice which could be of interest to member states, and to elaborating definitions of key terms in this field; consider in particular the issues of measuring the effectiveness and impact of e-democracy initiatives and devices, and their complementarity and interoperability with non-electronic forms of democratic engagement and participation; develop proposals for the Forum for the Future of Democracy as to how it could embrace issues of e-democracy.
CAHDE: Conclusions of the first meeting The final report of CAHDE should include: a set of generic e-democracy tools, developed on the basis of good practices in member states and describing their core conceptual and technological features; guidelines on the scope and implementation of e-democracy and on how e-democracy could help address the main contemporary challenges to democracy; a glossary of e-democracy terminology. In the first half of 2007, CAHDE envisages to organise a hearing/colloquy on e-democracy.