The Hero’s Journey In The Wizard of Oz
The known realm Wizard of Oz
Call To Adventure The Wizard of Oz
Refusal of the Call Wizard of Oz THRESHOLD GUARDIAN #1
Supernatural aid / Meeting the Mentor Wizard of Oz Sidekicks AND Mentors Threshold Guardian and Mentor Guide, Protector and Mentor
Crossing the first Threshold Wizard of Oz
Crossing the first Threshold (cont) Wizard of Oz
Road of trials Wizard of Oz Each time Dorothy passes a test, she gains an ally.
Road of trials (cont) Wizard of Oz
Belly of the whale/2nd call to adventure Wizard of Oz
crossing the second threshold/Belly of the whale Wizard of Oz
Ultimate boon Wizard of Oz
Ultimate boon (cont) Wizard of Oz
Crossing the return threshold Wizard of Oz
Ultimate boon Wizard of Oz
Magic flight Wizard of Oz
Crossing the return threshold Wizard of Oz THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME