1 Displaying Open Purchase Orders (F/Y 11)
2 At the end of this course, you should be able to: –Run a Location specific report of all Open Purchase Orders for Fiscal Year 11 (2010/2011) Course Objectives
3 Purchasing Documents per Document Number Report - ME2N
4 Process Transaction Enter Transaction “ME2N” Then Hit the “Enter” key
5 Beginning your report criteria selections. When the Purchasing Number per Document Number screen displays, Click on the “Get Variant” icon.
6 Finding the Variant The “Find Variant” box will display with your Personnel Number in it.
7 Finding the Variant Remove your Personnel Number Then Click the “Execute” icon.
8 Selecting the Variant In the Variant Directory, scroll down until you find the “Open FY11 PO” Variant. Double-click on this variant or highlight it and “Green Check”.
9 Running the report When the screen displays you can see that it defaults to Plant 1000, Document Type “Not Equal to UB”, Document Date range 07/01/2010 – 06/30/2011 and it indicates one active item in Dynamic Selection.
10 Dynamic Selections Click on the “Dynamic Selection” (1 active) icon. Selections for Deletion Indicator and Storage Location will display.
11 Dynamic Selections Leave the Deletion Indicator set as “Not Equal to L”. This will filter out any Purchase Orders marked for Deletion. Next enter your facility’s “Storage Location” Number. Then Click the “Execute” icon.
12 Report Display When report has completed it’s initial run it will display as follows: Next step will be to Click on the “More” icon.
13 Selecting Account Assignment When the selections display box comes up, you need to scroll down to the “Account Assignment” selection and Click on it.
14 Report Display Screen will display as follows: Click the “More” icon again.
15 Choosing the Layout When the selections display, scroll down and Click on “Choose Layout”.
16 Choosing the Layout In the Choose Layout box, scroll down until you find the “/Open FY11PO” Layout. Double-click on this layout or highlight it and “Green Check”.
17 Report Display Screen will display as follows: As you can see, the display now shows the “To be del. (delivered)” and “To be inv. (invoiced)” values to the right.
18 Setting up Filters There is an additional “Fund” filter set up in this layout. You can view this by Clicking on the “Set Filter” icon which will take you into the actual Filter selection area where you can make additional selections if necessary.
19 Setting up Filters This displays the current “Define Filter Criteria” selections – you can see “Fund” is in the left-hand column.
20 Setting up Filters If you want to see details of the “Fund” filter selection you will need to Click on the “2 nd Step: Determine Values for Filter Criteria” icon. The Fund layout filter is currently set to view only Funds 1000 through This setting filters out any Capital or Grants funds so they do not display.
21 Setting up Filters Just “Green Check” to return to the report layout. NOTE: Be very careful when using this layout so that you do not change the settings for other people. Save a personal layout when making changes to Filter Selections.
22 Setting up Filters To limit this report to open values only, you need to also filter the report by entering values for the “To be del.” and “To be inv.” “> 0.00” which will remove any Purchase Orders, with values equal to 0.00, from this report. For 45 series Purchase Orders you should run the report filtering out any “To be del.” values > For 75 series Purchase Orders you should run the report filtering out any “To be inv.” values > For this next example we will filter out 45 series POs with To be del. values greater than 0.00.
23 Setting up Filters Click on the “Set Filter” icon again. Highlight the “Purchasing Document” field then Click the “Move Left” Arrow to select it.
24 Setting up Filters Selection will move to the left. Before setting the filter values for this item we will pull over our next filter selection.
25 Setting up Filters Highlight the “Still to be delivered (value)” field then Click the “Move Left” Arrow to select it.
26 Setting up Filters Selection will move to the left. Now we will go back into the details of the filter selections by Clicking on the “2 nd Step: Determine Values for Filter Criteria” icon again.
27 Setting up Filters This time, you will see options for all three of our filter selections (Purchasing Document, Fund, and Still to be delivered (value)). The Currency selection appears automatically whenever a value filter is chosen. Leave that set as “USD”.
28 Setting up Filters In the Purchasing Document section we will enter “45*” which will bring back any Purchase Orders beginning with “45”. In the Still to be delivered (value) section we will click on the Yellow Multiple Selection icon (arrow). Under the “Select Single Values” tab Click on the tan square to the left of the Single Value.
29 Setting up Filters Highlight the “Greater Than” selection. Next “Green Check”
30 Setting up Filters Value 0.00 will default – leave as is. Click the “Execute” icon.
31 Setting up Filters Your screen should look like this: “Green Check” again.
32 Final Report When the report displays again, you can see that the filters have cleaned up your report so you only see the item(s) that needs review. Report is now complete and can be exported to Excel or saved. To pull your 75 series Purchase Orders just follow the same process replacing 45* value with “75*” and the To be del. values > 0.00 with the “To be inv. values” “> 0.00”.
33 Final Report REMEMBER: You can change filter settings as needed but please do not save over the existing layout. Be sure to run this report, at the very least, monthly and submit any changes to the Purchasing Department. Consistent processing of changes will: o Eliminate the backlog of changes that need to be done at the end of each fiscal year. o Release any unused dollars back to your budget for re- use. o Prevent loss of funds back to General Fund because PO was not cleaned up until after the end of the fiscal year.
34 Use Report Selection Criteria to: –Limit the amount of information the report retrieves –Make your report as specific as possible Selection Criteria Examples: –Document Type –Plant –Document Date Range –Funds –To be del. Values –To be inv. Values Report Selection Criteria Review
35 Easy way to interrupt a report that may be taking too long to run. Note: Do NOT use Ctrl+Alt+Del on your keyboard to stop a process Timing Out a Report
36 Drill-down, choose details Sort in ascending order Sort in descending order Select all Deselect all Dynamic selections Set filter Expanded totals Totals lines only Current variants Selection options Multiple selections Report Buttons
37 Jessica’s Weekly Report A variant is similar to a report template It is a set of criteria that determines the content of a report You can create variants by defining the fields and the data that you want to populate in the report Using a variant, you can define which rows, text and columns appear on your report Some reports have specially created variants that you can useVariants
38 Variants are alternative report displays set up by specifying selection criteria Variants reduce data-entry time Variants allow users to access only the information that is relevant to their area, department, plant, sales organization A report may have any number of variants Variants can be user-specific or they can be accessible to all users – i.e. Department wide Benefits of Variants
39 You should now be able to: Set up and run an Open Purchase Order report for Fiscal Year 11. Remember, this process also applies to the Open Purchase Order reports for Fiscal Years 09 & 10. Take some time to review ALL Open Purchase Orders and take any steps necessary resolve outstanding issues. Course Review