OIEP Transition Specialist Welcome to the OIEP Transition Specialist Electronic Training Manual
INDEX ABE sites by county Alcoholics Anonymous Application for Copy of Birth Certificate Birth certificate information Career Centers FAFSA approved Community and Technical Colleges County Alternative Schools County Attendance Directors County Commission Clerk Listings/Court Houses Department of Motor Vehicles DHHR’s by county
INDEX DJS Aftercare contact Information DMV Licensing Information Free Clinics GED Testing Homeless/Emergency Shelters K-12 Vocational Centers OIEP Facilities Contact Information OIEP Facilities Map Probation offices by county Public Libraries Schools by County (WVDE)– contact information
INDEX Selective Services Social Security Offices Transportation Transportation Directory Vocational Rehabilitation Workforce West Virginia
Adult Basic Education Sites by County Search via County Search via City/Town Link:
OIEP Facilities Contact Information Link:
OIEP Facilities Map Link:
Obtaining a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate: The West Virginia Vital Registration Office is the state-level custodian of birth certificates for people born anywhere in West Virginia 1917 to date. The Vital Registration Office issues certified copies of birth certificates from the original certificate on file. Certified copies are legal proof of age, U.S. citizenship, and parentage. As such, they are accepted by local, state, and federal governments as legal proof for applying for: social security numbers, driver's licenses, entrance to schools, entrance to military, marriage licenses, U.S. passports, retirement benefits, etc. Certified copies of birth certificates that are submitted to a foreign government may require additional "authentication" including an apostil certificate, from the WV Secretary of State's Office. This does not apply to certificates carried by the registrant out of the country to be used as identification. Please call the Vital Registration Office for more information on that process.Secretary of State's Office Link:
West Virginia Public Libraries Link:
WVDE Schools by County Link:
West Virginia Community and Technical Colleges Link:
Career Centers FAFSA approved Link: OIEP File Cabinet
Probation Offices By County OIEP File Cabinet Link:
WV Association of Free Clinics OIEP File Cabinet Link:
Application for Copy of Birth Certificate OIEP File Cabinet Link:
Department of Health and Human Services Link:
GED Testing Centers in West Virginia Link:
West Virginia Workforce Link: Region #1 Region #4 Region #5 Region #6 Region #7 Region #3 Region #2
Clerk of the County Commission Link:
WV County Alternative Schools Link: If the county has an (ALC) it will be in the school listing. See example below.
West Virginia Homeless Shelters Link:
Career Colleges and Vocational Schools in West Virginia Link:
WV Vocational Rehabilitation Link:
Attendance Directors/Homeless Liaisons by county OIEP File Cabinet Link:
West Virginia DMV Locations Link:
Social Security Administration Link:
Selective Service Link:
Alcoholics Anonymous Link:
DMV Licensing Information Link: To download this “Got Proof” brochure, click on the picture Link: m/6_MOTORISTS/DM V/downloads/GotPro of.pdf
DJS Aftercare contact Information OIEP File Cabinet Link:
Transportation Link: Search via County
Transportation Directory Link: OIEP File Cabinet