Superlative comparisons “Abriendo Paso – Gramática” pg. 95
Uses of the superlative The superlative is used to distinguish one as the most notable among many. Esa calle es la más estrecha de la ciudad That street is the most narrow of the city Esa Avenida es larguísima That avenue is very (extremely) long.
1.Superlatives are expressed with: el (la, los, las) + más (menos) + adjective + de -Ellas son las más trabajadoras de la clase -They are the most hard working of the class -El es el menos listo de la clase - He is the least intelligent of the class 2. In Spanish there is another form of comparison called the absolute superlative. The absolute superlative stresses the adjective to its maximum degree. It does not compare the person, thing, or group to others. Some English equivalents are: extremely, very, awful, and incredible. It is form by adding the suffix –ísimo, –ísima, –ísimos, –ísimas. -alto altísimo (-a, -os, -as) -grande grandísimo (-a, -os, -as) -fácil facilísimo (-a, -os, -as)
3. Note that in some adjectives there are spelling changes before adding the suffix. c→qu: franco – franquísimo / g →gu: grande - grandísimo / z →c: feliz - felicísimo 4. An equivalent expression is often formed with the use of muy, sumamente, or extraordinariamente -Ella está nerviosísima -Ella está muy nerviosa -She is very/extemelly nervous -Es riquísimo -Es sumamente rico -It is very/extremelly tasty -Parecen felisísimos -Parecen extraordinariamente felices -They seem very/extremelly happy Reminder: Adjectives in comparative and superlative degree still must agree with the noun or pronouns they modify.