New Mexico Department of Health Resources and Services Concerning Ozone in Four Corners Area
New Mexico Department of Health Public Health Division Office of Epidemiology Environmental Health Epidemiology Unit Environmental Health Capacity Building Project Addressing Asthma From a Public Health Perspective
Public Inquiries Receive calls from public, including smoke and mold Respond to inquiries re health effects of ozone and actions to be taken to protect health Refer to EPA, CDC and other websites for more information Phone: (24 hours/day, 7 days/week)
CDC Website Under “A” Air Pollution and Respiratory Health Asthma: A Public Health Response Asthma At-A-Glance
EPA Website Ozone Maps What Can We Do Air Quality Index Air Quality Forecast Pamphlet: Ozone and Your Health
ALA Website Site Index Asthma Air Quality
Reports to be prepared by DOH Fact sheets “New Mexico Epidemiology Report”: BRFSS, HIDD, Mortality Farmington: HIDD and ER data, comparison with air monitoring data (if feasible) Looking into obtaining data from previous studies conducted in the Farmington area
Presentations by DOH National Data – correlation between ozone concentrations and ER visits for asthma and other respiratory conditions Health effects of ozone Reduce exposure to ozone and other environmental triggers
DOH Website Information on website: reports, health advisories, links to other sites Website being revised Fact sheets on asthma and ozone (to be developed)