Academic Yearbook Presented By … Just Pretend “ A Saint Looking Back to March Forward ”
Purpose List first purpose List second purpose List third purpose List fourth purpose
Standards List first standard List second standard List third standard List fourth standard List fifth standard List sixth standard
Ninth Grade Experience List----introduction to high school List expectations List academic display List artifact from any class
Tenth Grade Experience List difference from ninth List academic display List greatest improvement List artifact from any class
Eleventh Grade Experience List improvements List expectations and goals List experiences List academic display List artifact from any class
Senior Year List improvement List academic display List difference from ninth to twelfth List experiences List goals and achievements List overall all experience
Postsecondary Plans/Goals Please give a brief explanation of what you are planning and the steps you have completed to achieve this goal…
Portfolio Contents Introduction Post High School Information Community Service Reading Log Artifacts Resume’ and Cover Letter Senior Research Paper Recommendations Reflection
List Your SRP Topic Here Give a brief description of your topic in a brief paragraph…
Steps for Research Completion Step 1 Here Step 2 Here Step 3 Here Step 4 Here Step 5 Here Step 6 Here Step 7 Here
Evidence Found Add something here
Conclusion Brief paragraph of the summation of your SRP
“ A Saint Looking Back to Move Forward ” Justin Pretend