Classroom Expectations Arts & Humanities Mr. Graham Room 212
Bring to class: 1. A writing utensil 2. Notebook 3. Paper 4. Homework (if any) 5. Art supplies (if needed) 6. Projects (if needed)
Tardy Policy The door will be locked as the bell is rung. The door will be locked as the bell is rung. You must be in class before the last bell echoes. You must be in class before the last bell echoes. If tardy, you lose the opportunity to complete the bell ringer for the day, and instead earn a “0” for the bell ringer. If tardy, you lose the opportunity to complete the bell ringer for the day, and instead earn a “0” for the bell ringer.
Absences Unexcused absences will result in zeroes for all assignments due on the day you were absent. You may not make up that work. Unexcused absences will result in zeroes for all assignments due on the day you were absent. You may not make up that work. Your missed homework will be found on my teacher web site. Your missed homework will be found on my teacher web site.
Making up Homework Homework will be due no later than three days after your absence. (Extensions may be allowed for extended absences at my discretion only with a student/ teacher conference before the allotted time for make-up work expires.) Homework will be due no later than three days after your absence. (Extensions may be allowed for extended absences at my discretion only with a student/ teacher conference before the allotted time for make-up work expires.) Tests will be made up after school or at a time convenient for teacher and student— not during class time. You must complete the test within five days of your absence. Tests will be made up after school or at a time convenient for teacher and student— not during class time. You must complete the test within five days of your absence.
Late Work Policy No late work will be accepted. No late work will be accepted.
Leaving the Classroom I dismiss you, not the bell. I dismiss you, not the bell. You may be allowed to leave the classroom only with my permission. You may be allowed to leave the classroom only with my permission. Emergencies rarely happen. Emergencies rarely happen.
Grading You will be able to see your grade at least one time per week at my discretion. You will be able to see your grade at least one time per week at my discretion. Grades will be earned through a split between “tests” and “class work”. Grades will be earned through a split between “tests” and “class work”.
Tests Projects Projects Occur at the end of units of studyOccur at the end of units of study Both project and oral presentation are graded.Both project and oral presentation are graded. Portfolio Final Drafts Portfolio Final Drafts Must go through at least three drafts or a “0” will be earned.Must go through at least three drafts or a “0” will be earned. No exceptions.No exceptions. Unit Tests Unit Tests Occur at the end of units.Occur at the end of units. Multiple choice and Open-ended Response questions only.Multiple choice and Open-ended Response questions only. Quizzes Quizzes Occur at least once per weekOccur at least once per week You may use your notesYou may use your notes
Class Work Class work is that work done in class. Students may be asked to: Complete a closing assignment before the bell rings Create a scene from a story using crayons, markers, paper, and other art supplies Complete worksheets Some daily class work may be needed to taken home. Participation Participation IncludesIncludes asking and answering questions in class asking and answering questions in class choosing to work responsibly in groups and individually, and other work choosing to work responsibly in groups and individually, and other work bringing all materials to bringing all materials to following proper classroom procedures. following proper classroom procedures. Notes Notes
Extra Credit From time to time, students may be given a chance for either bonus points or extra credit. These are two distinct types of reward. Extra credit is extra work that will be added to a student’s totals, but counts as part of his/ her homework totals as well. (For example, a student receives a mark of 8/10 for extra credit. 8 points out of ten will be the extra credit homework grade.) Extra credit is given to students who are usually on the cusp of academic success, but need a helping hand. Working harder than others ensures success.Extra credit is extra work that will be added to a student’s totals, but counts as part of his/ her homework totals as well. (For example, a student receives a mark of 8/10 for extra credit. 8 points out of ten will be the extra credit homework grade.) Extra credit is given to students who are usually on the cusp of academic success, but need a helping hand. Working harder than others ensures success. Bonus points are given to students without adding an extra assignment. Bonus points are usually earned for extraordinary work, cooperation, or leadership. Generally speaking, bonus points impact a student’s grade more heavily than does extra credit.Bonus points are given to students without adding an extra assignment. Bonus points are usually earned for extraordinary work, cooperation, or leadership. Generally speaking, bonus points impact a student’s grade more heavily than does extra credit.