Writing an Argument Essay Plan your choices carefully before you jump in!
Step #1 Pick a Topic Pick a topic that you are passionate about. Consider the strength of the reasoning you can use to back up your argument (Don’t rely on emotional reasons)
Step #2: Consider both sides Make a list of the points for both sides of the argument. Know the strongest arguments of the other side so you can shoot them down. Make sure your side is the “best” conclusion.
Step #3: Gather Evidence Types of evidence: Research Interviews Surveys Statistics Anecdotes (stories from information sources)
Step #4 Writing Stage Your essay should contain three parts: Introduction Body Conclusion
Step #4: Introduction The introduction should contain: a brief explanation of your topic, some background information, and a thesis statement. Your thesis will state your position.
Step #4: Body Paragraph Make separate paragraphs for: 1.Describe the “other side’s” arguments first. 2.Then state your arguments one- by-one and the evidence that shows that you’re correct.
Step #4: Conclusion Re-state your position as the most sensible one in your summary paragraphs.
Important Tips on Essay Writing 1.Avoid emotional language 2.Know the difference between a logical conclusion and an emotional point of view 3.Don’t make up evidence 4.Cite your sources