Prince Caspian by C.S.Lewis Miller Armstrong
Setting Takes place in the mythical world of Narnia. Real world New Zealand.
Genre The genre of Prince Caspian adventure.
Major Characters Protagonist- Prince Caspian. Antagonist- The Telmarine army.
Important Events!! Caspian runs away from home. Aslan leads Peter,Edmund,Susan,and Lucy out of the wilderness and into Prince Caspian’s command post. Peter challenges the king of the Telmarines to a duel. Peter and Susan find out that they will never be able to come back to Narnia.
Mood The mood of this story is... Suspenseful
Theme The theme of this story is that pride can lead to bad things.
Opinions This book is very action packed. It has really good use of figurative language and captivating words and phrases.
Prince Caspian by C.S.Lewis Miller Armstrong