Happy Earth Day, y’all!
East and South East Asia Physical Geography What do the following have in common? Parachute, kite, umbrella, paper, wheelbarrow, fishing reel, playing cards, and fireworks?
East Asia East Asia Map: Chapter 29 Page 613 What 6 countries are included in this region? -China -Mongolia -Taiwan -North Korea -South Korea -Japan Bonus Q: Which countries are the most developed?
4th largest country in the world China 4th largest country in the world
Capital Beijing “Forbidden City” Pagoda -religious structure represents Buddhism
*Garden = peaceful = whisper *Tiered tower= religious structure *Some pagodas = tombs Wooden five-story pagoda of Hōryū-ji in Japan, built in the 7th century, one of the oldest wooden buildings in the world
Great Shwedagon Pagoda located in Yangon, Myanmar. The whole structure is coated with 60 tons of pure gold
The Bombardier Pagoda at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Landforms: Mountains and Plateaus Map Page 620 What is the process that forms this rugged terrain collision of tectonic plates. Results of these natural barriers: -limit movement -increase isolation
Highest Elevation *Borders Nepal & China Mt. Everest
Lowest Elevation Turfan Depression (Turpan Depression) 505 ft below sea level / 20,000 sq miles
Qinling Mountains Separates North China from South China Climate map : Pg 626
Kunlun Mountains Source of two great rivers: Yellow River and Yangtze
Tibetan Plateau -Known as the “roof of the world” -sparsely populated
Deserts Gobi: North China & SE Mongolia -larger than Texas and California combined! Taklimakan: Between Tian Shan & Kunlun Mts.
Peninsulas Because of peninsula’s China has a long coastline that has allowed major port cities Shanghai - -largest city -located at the mouth of the Yangtze
Hong Kong British Colony until 1997
Hainan Island off Southern Coast of China
Huang He River AKA: Yellow River -silt “China’s Sorrow” -terrible floods
Yangtze River *AKA: Chang Jiang river China’s Longest River World’s 3rd Longest
Flows eastward & forms an estuary Xi Jiang (West) River Flows eastward & forms an estuary
Three Gorges Dam World’s largest dam / 600 ft high / spans 1 mile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3z9K82ZVdMA Pages 628-629 + effects: Control flooding Provide electric power Easier to ship goods effects: Expensive $$$ Relocation of people History lost Environmental concerns
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China Construction began in 400’s B.C. Built mostly between 1369-1644 Approximately 4,000 miles long 25’ high / 25’ wide at base / 15’ wide at top Watchtowers 100-200 yards apart / 40’ high Foundations made of granite Sides made of stone and brick Top paved with brick Filled inner walls with dirt http://app.discoveryeducation.com/player/view?assetGuid=58fbc3b3-571a-43b9-a8e4-8c391ce9371e
Tomb of Emperor Shi Huangdi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsUE-ZtcUFg
Compare climates of E. Asia & N. America A tropical storm that occurs in western Pacific—similar to a hurricane is called a… TYPHOON Compare climates of E. Asia & N. America Page 626
Ethnic Groups More than 50 groups Han is most popular with 94% of population
1/5 of the World’s Population…DENSE
Population Control Measures to control began in 1950’s One-child policy 1st applied in 1979 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4OWJlyaHt0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inA-36YRV0Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARdxuC412zM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX-QXMQnqxg
JAPAN -enormous economic power Dense population Page 630-631 -60% of people live on 3% of land -clustered along the narrow flat coastal plains
South East Asia What 11 countries are included in this region?
Association of South East Asian Nations ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations NAFTA is to North America as ASEAN is to South East Asia
SOUTH EAST ASIA Mainland and Islands 2 important peninsulas: Indochina Malay -serves as a land bridge between mainland and islands
Mekong River -begins in China and ends in Vietnam -natural boundary between Myanmar and Laos and between Laos and Thailand -people rely on Mekong for farming and fishing http://www.vimeo.com/11817894
Irrawaddy River Source in Himalayas Forms a Delta Creates an Estuary
A chain or a group of islands is called an _________. archipelago Check out how an island is formed: Image on page 690
` _____________ chain of volcanoes that line the Pacific rim. Ring of Fire See map on page 662.
“Economic Tiger” -countries with strong economic growth Singapore: Smallest nation of SE Asia Microstate “Economic Tiger” -countries with strong economic growth Singapore wished to be independent b/c most of the people of Malaysia were Muslim, while the people of Singapore were mainly Chinese and Buddhists.
Impact of industrialization of the city! Indonesia = World’s 4th largest population Jakarta (On Java Island) = Capital of Indonesia World’s largest population of Muslims Impact of industrialization of the city!
Industrialization Sweatshops Outsourcing
Vietnam War - A Stage of the Cold War A Struggle of Ideals
Genocide = Ethnic cleansing Cambodia Khmer Rouge = Political Party The Killing Fields Pol Pot = Leader of Khmer Rouge http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EM1c1hz_3s8 Genocide = Ethnic cleansing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvUqvOh2Sfg&feature=relmfu Created Agrarian Society