By: Parker Graham
Fun Facts St.Clair has many houses hundreds of years old. St.Clair can be considered in the Blue Water area. The median income for a household in St.Clair was $52,957.
The Worlds Longest Freshwater Boardwalk St.Clair is home to the longest freshwater boardwalk In the world.
Population At the 2000 census the population was 5, % White, 0.12% African American, 0.6% Native American, 0.86% Asian, 1.00% Pacific Islander, 0.14% from other races, and 1.3% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino were 1.2% of the population. The population density was 2,093.7 per square mile.
Tourism The greater St. Clair area draws thousands of visitors each year because: You can see all the huge freighters. You can fish, boat, scuba dive, water ski, play on the beach, play at the park and do many other activities. People from all over Michigan come to watch St.Clair’s boat races. St. Clair has an annual art fair which draws thousands of people. St. Clair has a boat marina.
The Surrounding Area The surrounding cities are: Sarnia, Port Huron, Marysville, Yale, Anchorville And Algonac
TThe Latitude and Longitude of St.Clair are… West and 42.8 North
Geography TThe city has a total area of 3.4 square miles. 2.8 square miles of it is land and.6 square miles of water. IIt is on the thumb of Michigan. SSt.Clair borders the St.Clair river. CCanada is on the other side of the river.
Naming St.Cair is named after the St.Clair river which is named after Lake St.Clair. Lake St.Clair is named that because the expedition arrived in Lake Saint Clair August 12, 1679 the feast day of Saint Clare. The spelling was changed to Saint Clair to honor the Revolutionary War general and governor of the Northwest Territory Arthur St. Clair.
Climate/Weather Average: Temp. Precip. Record: High Low Jan. 23F °F (1950) - 19°F (1994 Feb. 25F °F (2000) -11°F (1976 ) Mar. 33F °F (1986) -7°F (2003) Apr. 45F °F (1990) -8°F (1954) May 57F °F (2006) -27°F (1966) June 67F °F (1988) -33°F (1949) July 72F °F (1975) -42°F (1950) Aug. 71F °F (2001) -40°F (1977) Sept. 63F °F (1953) -30°F (1951) Oct. 51F °F (2007) -20°F (1988) Nov. 40F °F (1950) -2°F (1950) Dec. 28F °F (1998) -7°F (1989)
Map of St.Clair
History St.Clair officially became a city in In 1818, James Fulton became the sole owner of land here. St.Clair was world famous in salt production in previous centuries.
Plants and Animals The plant and animals in Saint Clair are the same as here but are more common because it has more woods. Plants… Pine trees Broadleaf trees. Animals.. Deer Squirles Chipmunks.
Historic Homes St.Clair has many very old homes. Some were bed and Breakfasts but all are now owned by families. Some are almost 200 years old.
Historic Homes
Info The median house price is $254,000. Most people make their living by Sales and Office, Production, Transportation, and Material Moving. More than half of the people in St. Clair are Republican. The bodies of water are… St. Clair river. Lake Huron is North of Saint Clair.
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