Acknowledging and Honoring Quality Performance
The purpose of the EAS process is to provide teachers with the opportunity to reflect on professional practice that increases student achievement as well as evaluation. Teachers having ongoing, reflective conversations with administrators is the key to improved practice and effectiveness.
Provisional Educator An educator new to the profession with less than 3 years experience in DSD, or An educator with prior experience but less than 3 consecutive, full-contract years in DSD Career Educator A tenured educator who has 3 or more consecutive years of successful teaching in Davis School District
Career Educators year cycle Provisional Educators year cycle
Goal Setting Interaction with administrators Two formal observations and follow-up conferences (required for provisional educators) Working administrator form Informal classroom visits (all educators) Educator Data Sources Administrator Evaluation Report
Years 1 & 2 Administrator report 2 required formal classroom observations and conferences Informal classroom visits Professional goals and activities 2 data source reports ▪ Evidence of student achievement (required) ▪ 1 additional data source of educator’s choice
Year 3 Administrator report 2 required formal classroom observations and conferences Informal classroom visits Professional goals and activities 3 data source reports ▪ Evidence of student achievement (required) ▪ Professional reflective portfolio (required for EYE teachers only) ▪ Additional data sources of educator’s choice (1 additional for EYE teachers; 2 additional for all others)
Years 1, 2, & 3 Administrator report Optional formal classroom observations and conferences Informal classroom visits Professional goals and activities 1 data source report of educator’s choice
Year 4 Administrator report Optional formal classroom observations and conferences Informal classroom visits Professional goals and activities 3 data source reports ▪ Evidence of student achievement (required) ▪ 2 additional data sources of educator’s choice
Evidence of student achievement required for provisional educators annually required for career educators, year 4 Documentation of professional development Parent and/or student survey results Evidence unique to the educator
Educator requested formal classroom observations (career educators only) Teacher proficiency tests GRE Praxis II: Subject area Praxis II: Principles of Learning and Teaching National Board Certification Action Research Collaborative Investigation
DSD Homepage Departments Research & Assessment Educator Assessment System (left hand side) Data Source Forms
Well Functioning A “W” indicates an educator is well functioning in that component of professional practice.
Needs Attention An “N” can be given at any time during the year when the administrator believes that a component of the educator’s performance needs attention An “N” requires a plan for improvement and a time line An “N” on the Working Administrator Form can be corrected during the year and changed to a “W” on the Administrator Evaluation Report
Unsatisfactory A “U” given at any time during the year requires Performance Assistance as described in the Performance Improvement Section of the EAS Manual
Goals and activities set from the beginning of the year are reviewed and progress discussed Educator Data Sources are shared with administrator Notable Performance may be shared Administrator Evaluation Report is shared and signed
Questions or Concerns Suzanne Cottrell EAS Coordinator