So you want to be President…
Formal qualifications Natural born citizen – Jus Solis – by soil –Jus Sanguineous – by blood
Formal qualifications Minimum of 35 years of age
Resident of the U.S for 14 years Formal qualifications
Constitutional Restrictions 22 nd Amendment –Limits any individual to two full terms – Or ten years.
Legal Restrictions No convicted felons may be President Convicted felons lose their rights to hold public office
Informal Requirements – Voter Preferences Education level College
Informal Requirements Gender preference - male
Informal Requirements Ethnic Preference Voters want someone like themselves NW European
Informal Requirements Occupation Law Or business
Informal Requirements Political Experience
How does a qualified individual gets to be President ?? A candidate receives a majority of presidential electors votes
Electoral College Each state has electors equal to the representation a state has in Congress House + Senate +D.C. = Electorial vote
Electoral College To win electoral votes a candidate must get popular votes to get all of a states’ electoral votes.
Electoral College Maine and Nebraska do not use the “winner take all” method. Both states use the district method. 1st 2nd 2 for state winner
How to get on the ballot? Either be a major party (Dem or Rep) candidate
How to get on the ballot? Or – meet every states individual election laws.
Getting the party nomination. To get the party nomination a candidate must receive a majority of delegate votes at the Presidential Nominating Convention
Getting delegate votes A candidates gets delegates by winning state held primary elections
Getting delegate votes AND Winning delegates at State conventions
State Convention Delegates to state convention are selected at local meetings called caucuses.