Helping One in Area One Opportunities to Volunteer in Our Schools
Elementary Assist in Library (cutting/counting box tops, incentives for Accelerated Reader Program, shelving books, book fair) Assist in Literacy Program (Reading Buddies, Tutors for sound, letter, word recognition in classroom setting) Clerical help (laminating, cutting, filing, copying) Field trip chaperone Guest speaker/storyteller Lunch Buddies Physical Education (help maintain playground/track, cutting/counting Campbell’s labels, repairing equipment) Room Parent/Adopt a class (provide incentives/treats- only those approved by classroom teacher, supplies)
Middle Schools Adopt a class/club (provide incentives/treats – only those approved by classroom teacher, supplies) Clerical help (laminating, cutting, filing, copying) Field trip chaperone Guest speaker Library assistance Physical Education (help maintain fields, repairing equipment) Mentors
High Schools Adopt a grade/club/team (provide incentives, support) Assist with Freshmen Orientation, Open House, School Clean-up Guest speaker Test proctoring – HSAP, PSAT, PLAN Chaperone school events, dances, prom, student elections
Procedures for Volunteering in the Area I Schools If interested in volunteering at an elementary or a middle school, complete the School Volunteer form and return to the school’s guidance counselor. If interested in volunteering at Aiken or South Aiken High, go to each school’s web site for contact information. Attend a volunteer orientation. All volunteers must read the board policy provisions applicable to volunteer interactions with students and sign that they acknowledge the conduct expectations of volunteers.
Volunteer Responsibilities Volunteers are responsible for attending an orientation prior to working with staff and students. Every volunteer must register in the main office upon arrival. Volunteers will be given a badge upon signing in which should be worn at all times during service. At the end of the volunteer time, the volunteer should report to the office, return the badge and sign out. Volunteers will be given a tour of the school. The tour will include locations of exits, adult restrooms, workrooms, and designated parking. Outside arrangements must be made for child care of non-school age children instead of bringing them to school during volunteer time. Volunteers work under the supervision of staff or an appointed representative and should never be left unattended with students.
Additional Responsibilities Teachers have an established method of maintaining classroom discipline. All discipline is the responsibility of the classroom teacher or staff member. All schools are cell phone free zones. Cell phones must remain off when entering the school. Volunteers must follow the same procedures as staff during emergency drills and should be familiar with all procedures. The staff is responsible for instruction of students during the school day and should not be interrupted while teaching. Volunteers should be willing to perform a wide range of assigned tasks.
Calling All Volunteers To Area I Schools School Volunteer Form Please complete the form below and return to the school’s guidance counselor. Name: ______________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Home #/Cell # : _______________________________ ________________________________ Work Address: ________________________________ ________________________________ Work #: _____________________________________ Please check the item(s) you are interested in volunteering: ___ Clerical work (Laminating, cutting, filing, copying) ___ Guest speaker/story teller Topic: ___________________________________ ___ Tutor small groups of students ___ Library (Shelving books, book fair, cutting/counting box tops) ___ Physical Education (help maintain playground, repairing equipment) ___ Other: __________________________________
For Additional Information… For additional information, please contact our schools. Contact information can be found by clicking on “Schools” on the Aiken County School District web site and then use the drop down to find Area 1 schools. We look forward to working with you!