 A strategic plan is a guiding document for an organization. It clarifies organizational priorities, goals and desired outcomes.  For the SRCS school.


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Presentation transcript:

 A strategic plan is a guiding document for an organization. It clarifies organizational priorities, goals and desired outcomes.  For the SRCS school community, this process is an important step in making sure everyone agrees on next steps the district to best serve students of our community. 2

 This is an inclusive process. Everyone has a voice. There is opportunity for anyone in the community to participate.  There are some things we should consider as the state will be asking us to think about it in the very near future. There is a new way to fund schools ( Local Control Funding Formula ) and with it, a new way to hold ourselves accountable for spending public dollars. 3

 Basic Conditions for Student Achievement › We have qualified teachers › Students have sufficient instructional materials › School facilities are in good repair  Instructional Programs › We are implementing the Common Core State Standards (the new CA standards) › We are making continued progress toward college and career readiness for all students  Supplemental Programs › Programs and instruction must benefit all students including specifically those who are struggling across the state currently: English language learners, foster youth, students who come from socio-economically fragile homes 4


 The Board of Education has met all summer to come up with SIX major areas of focus for the district. › College and career readiness › Balanced (Whole Child) education › High Quality Staff › Learning Environment and resources › Serving all students › Increased community engagement  This is an initial discussion of what is important for the district. 6

Key AreaBoard ValuesInitial Goal Statement College and Career Ready The Trustees of SRCS value:  All students being fully prepared upon graduation for any post- secondary options without remediation  Alignment of work force needs and school experiences  Mastery of core set of knowledge and skills across all subject areas (analytic, collaborative, adaptive, communicative, technological) Students in SRCS will graduate as confident career and/or college ready students who have mastered academic content and are problem solvers, collaborators, communicators, technologically literate and understand the need for continual learning. 7

Key AreaBoard ValuesInitial Goal Statement Balanced Whole Child The Trustees of SRCS value:  The growth and development of the whole child (emotional, intellectual, physical and social well-being) which is central to the success of the school district  Intervention and support opportunities for students and families that extend beyond the classroom and include resources within the community  The recognition and development of self-respect, self- motivation, perseverance and respect for others and their learning environment  Respect for all cultures and the ability to interact with other cultures and backgrounds (cultural competency)  Developing students who are community-minded and civically engaged SRCS will promote the balanced and healthy growth of the whole child as both the responsibility of the schools and the community. 8

Key AreaBoard ValuesInitial Goal Statement Student- centered Staff The Trustees of SRCS value:  an effective, motivated and collaborative staff through: o The selection, retention and development of student- centered and goal-driven employees o Relevant, comprehensive, sustainable, empowering, collaborative professional development Staff of Santa Rosa City Schools will be effective, student-centered and supported in their professional growth through high quality professional development. 9

Key AreaBoard ValuesInitial Goal Statement Learning Environment and Resources The Trustees of SRCS value:  Clean, safe and inviting facilities  Relevant and current learning materials and technologies with supporting infrastructure  Energy efficient and environmentally sensitive policies and practices The Santa Rosa City School District will employ environmentally conscious policies to create safe, inviting learning environments and provide current tools and current technology 10

Key AreaBoard ValuesInitial Goal Statement District serves all students The Trustees of SRCS value:  Success for all students  Appropriate distribution of resources to serve all students  Appropriate instruction responding to the various needs of students  Accelerating achievement of those currently less academically successful  Increasing academic achievement of high performing students The Santa Rosa City School District will serve all students with an appropriate distribution of resources; human, fiscal and instructional. 11

Key AreaBoard ValuesInitial Goal Statement Increase community engagement The Trustees of SRCS value:  Meaningful and timely communication with parents about their child  Increasing internal and external communication to promote district effectiveness  Promoting a culture of collaboration and transparency  Promoting a welcoming environment with a service orientation  Partnerships with community organizations and associations, businesses, non-profits, academics, labor, neighborhood groups, governmental agencies and representatives, and others  Proactive and responsive policies and practices to address community needs SRCS encourages a welcoming culture of open communication, transparency and collaboration within the district and with families and the greater community. 12

 GIVE US FEEDBACK › What language is missing? What are we forgetting?  Start thinking about “how” › As staff we will determine how do we do this? What are the best next steps? What does this look like in practice? What will the evidence be?  GET INVOLVED › Help facilitate the community dialog sessions 13

 There is an online option to give feedback  There are multiple community conversation meetings - different times, locations and languages 14