St. Michael-Albertville School District
Voluntary program that allows school districts and exclusive representatives of the teachers to design and collectively bargain a plan to improve teaching and learning and reward teachers
Career Ladder/Advancement Options Job-Embedded Professional Development Teacher Evaluation Performance Pay Alternative Salary Schedule
Five teachers selected by Ed-Minnesota STMA Matt Rooker Becky Kemmetmueller Jenny Fritz Heidi Leland Jen Patnode Three administrators Ann Marie Foucault Jennie Kelly Jim Behle
Ed Minnesota STMA membership School board
Currently doing some of the work and Q Comp can compensate teachers Supports new teacher evaluation law with peer review and teacher growth plans State funds are available but are capped; funding may not be available for new programs in the future Q Comp has been successful in other school districts
$169 per pupil in state aid - $950,000 School districts may chose to levy an additional $510,000 or up to $91 per pupil - $510,000
Peer coaches Peer review and observations Provide site-focused professional development Feedback on achieving teacher growth plans Meet component of new teacher evaluation law
District wide SMART goal SMART site goal aligned with district goal PLC SMART goals School professional development plan using research based instructional strategies Incorporate what we are currently doing in learning targets and formative assessments.
Teacher Evaluation Task Force is currently working on designing a plan Non-tenured – little change Tenured Summative evaluation every 3 years by principal Peer review by instructional coaches in off-cycle years. Individual teacher growth plans Training to eliminate bias and ensure inter-rater reliability
Teacher evaluation/peer review successfully meeting criteria and teacher growth plan Site SMART goal met PLC SMART goal met
All licensed staff in the teacher bargaining unit Individual teachers are not permitted to opt out No lose in seniority, pay or tenure