Title Finding the Channel: Social Media’s Influence on PR and Marketing A Discussion with St. Ambrose University Marketing Students {photo: Tony the Misfit/flickr.com}
SM Poll What is Social Media? & A Quick Poll How many of you are active on: Blogs Facebook Twitter YouTube LinkedIn
Pecha Kucha Pecha Kucha “pe-chak-cha” In this format we shall run through a series of slides and then have a chat
Info Channels Information Channels Across Time Note the drop-off for traditional broadcast channels (including websites)!
SM Activity Social Media Traffic 75% of Global Internet population visit social networks Visiting social networks is fourth-most popular activity after personal Nielsen’s Global Faces & Networked Places 2009
SM-Expect Within a year 82% businesses will promote their brand, goods and services via social media + 93% of Social Media users expect a company should have a social media presence* 85% believe companies should interact with customers* * Cone’s Business in Social Media Study, Equation Research {photo: Meeting-Naturally Cyprus/flickr.com}
SM-Business Business Engagement in Social Media Expanding Online Presence Viral, Relationship & Cause-Related Marketing Generating Leads-Qualified Prospects Customer Service Reputation Management Crises Communications Business Intelligence and Research
Facebook Info The Numbers More than 400 million users Not a young site anymore, older demographics growing at much faster rate 50% of active users log on every day More than 1.5 million local businesses have active Pages on Facebook
Facebook Tips Suggestions Brand Your Facebook page Foster the growth of an organic community Integrate Facebook functionality with your main site Evaluate micro-targeted ads
Twitter Info The Numbers 72.5% of users joined since January % users have less than 100 followers, 92.4% follow less than 100 5% account for 75% of activity More than 50% updates are published through tools Tie in with Google for Real-Time Search
Twitter Tips Suggestions Subscribe to key influencers and leaders Recruit followers with strong following Informative tweets on your business/expertise Encourage tweeters across the company Monitor keywords through search Leverage for focus groups/research
YouTube Info The Numbers Reached 100 million viewers in billion videos viewed in January 2009 alone Approximately 43 percent of the online video market share Video search results displayed on Google first page
YouTube Tips Suggestions Setup a channel Create ‘how-to”/informative videos Post solutions to common problems Integrate with your main site by embedding videos Display company name, URL, logo in every video
Blogging Only 4% of Blogs are corporate Brand with corporate identity Be candid and timely Set up a regular schedule for posts Do not censor negative posts
LinkedIn 50 million members worldwide 11m in Europe and 3m in India Use the status tool to update network Recommendations highlight expertise Promote company website and blogs
Dialogue Social Media is about dialogue not monologue {photo: ehnmark/flickr.com}
Public Relations In social media if your public relations is this…. {photo: jasoneppink/flickr.com}
Cheerleading..you will be perceived as these. {photo:uwdigitalcollections/flickr.com}
PR 2.0 Social Media’s Influence on Public Relations It is not about technology it is about sociology * Shifted from broadcast machine to community participation * Conversations have replaced content * It is the difference between spin and relevance * Become a resource channel for traditional media – shorter news cycles * Brian Solis {photo: Beppie/flickr.com}
Marketing Similarly, if for social media, marketing focuses only….
Aisle..it will deliver a response like this {photo: roboppy/flickr.com}
Mktg 2.0 Social Media’s Influence on Marketing Ideal channel for viral, relationship and cause-related marketing Audience influences campaign through participation and/or content Data capture and analytics deliver accurate market research More personalized messages and better targeting for audiences {photo: rama miguel/flickr.com}
PR-Discussion-Dominos PR – Discussion: Dominoes The double edged sword that is Social Media
PR-Discussion-Toyota PR – Discussion: Toyota An integrated response
Mktg-Discussion-Pepsi Marketing – Discussion: Pepsi Cause-related, viral marketing with user generated content and integration
Thank You {photo: vernhart/flickr.com}