WELCOME to MW Odyssey Online Coaches TrainingOnline Coaches Training
Debra Garling, Odyssey Coordinator ext What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?
YEARLOCATIONMW SCHOOLPLACED 1995TennesseeHigh School12th 1996IowaNorth Main3rd High School20th 1999TennesseeNorth Main4th 2001MarylandMiddle School (Team A)1st Middle School (Team B)2nd 2005ColoradoHigh School7th 2006IowaHigh School3rd 2008MarylandNorth Main10th High School2nd 2009IowaNorth Main2nd High School11th 2010MichiganHigh School4th 2011MarylandHigh School9th Middle School15th High School31st 2012IowaHigh School8th Middle School (Team A)8th North Main16th Middle School (Team B)16th Central Valley20th 2013MichiganHigh School1st
COACHES HS: Joann & Jessica Mazzola Donna Wetzstein MS: Maryann Shirley / Joanne McInerney Stacy Levine CV:Lauren Phillips / Dianne D’Errico NM:Kathy Doherty PT:Liz Pesce & Tracie Foster Laurie Lapidus What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?
PAPERWORK Permission Slip (Regionals) Contracts - OMers - Parents T-Shirt Orders - Practice - Practice - Supporter What is Divergent Thinking?What is Divergent Thinking?
What is Odyssey of the Mind (OotM)? International Creative Problem-Solving Program Based upon idea that creativity is a skill that can be taught and further developed w/practice Team-effort, based loosely upon a sports model Develops real-life communication and brainstorming skills, and rewards creativity in the solution of complex problems What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?
History of Odyssey of the Mind Dr. C. Samuel Micklus (Dr. Sam) His college program expanded to NJ High Schools OotM began OotM began History of Odyssey of the MindHistory of Odyssey of the Mind
Long-Term Style Spontaneous The Three Components of OOTM 200 Points 200 Points Specific Rules Specific Rules Open-Ended Open-Ended All Solutions Presented in Skit Form (8-min) All Solutions Presented in Skit Form (8-min) 100 Points 100 Points On the Spot Anything Goes 3 Types - - Verbal - - Hands on - Hybrid 50 Points 50 Points Elaboration of Long-Term Elaboration of Long-Term Pizzaz, Sparkle, Polish Pizzaz, Sparkle, Polish Team Chosen Elements Team Chosen Elements Long-Term + Style + Spontaneous = Total Score Raw Scores are “Adjusted” so the team with highest raw score (for each component) receives the full possible score (200, 100, or 50 pts for the three components). Other team scores adjusted proportionally The Three Components of OOTMThe Three Components of OOTM
Six new problems released each year Vehicle –Problem 1 Technical– Problem 2 Classics – Problem 3 Structure – Problem 4 Theatrical– Problem 5 Primary – Demonstration Only Cost limit to each problem (usually ~$ ) Cost limit to each problem (usually ~$ ) The Long-Term Problems The Long-Term ProblemsThe Long-Term Problems
Teams design/build/drive a vehicle that will travel a course where a student driver attempts to complete tasks in order to pass a driver’s test. Vehicle will travel using one propulsion system and then travel in reverse using a different propulsion system. Vehicle will encounter a directional signal and have a Global Positioning System (GPS) that talks to the driver. Team will create a theme for presentation that incorporates vehicle, a driver’s test, a student, and the talking GPS. Cost limit: $145 USD. Cost limit to each problem (usually ~$ ) #1: Vehicle: Driver’s Test The Long-Term ProblemsThe Long-Term Problems
Teams create/present an original performance that includes a "pop-up-style" not-so-haunted "house" where 4 special effects take place. The intent of the special effects will be to scare others, but they will produce a different result instead. Performance will include at least one character that experiences the special effects and a narrator who relays the experiences to the audience. It will also include a surprise ending. Special effects will be scored for originality and engineering. Cost limit: $145 USD. #2: Technical: The Not-So-Haunted House The Long-Term ProblemsThe Long-Term Problems
Teams re-create a King's Court from history & make their own Royal Court set in an original kingdom at a different time /place. Historic Court will issue a decree that fits in with its history, while the team-created Royal Court will issue a decree that changes an everyday behavior for the people in kingdom. Historic court will be composed as team wishes, but original Royal Court will be made up of a leader, a minstrel that performs a song while playing a team-created instrument, and a jester that makes fun of the leader. Performance will include puppets and a Peoplet (person portrayed as puppet), and will be scored for humor. Cost limit: $125 USD. #3: Classics: It’s How We Rule #3: Classics: It’s How We Rule The Long-Term ProblemsThe Long-Term Problems
Teams design/build a structure made up of separate components stacked on top of one another. Structure components will be made of only balsa wood and glue, and will be tested by balancing and supporting weights after they are stacked. Teams will be scored for the number of components they use in their final structure. Before they are stacked, the separate components will be integrated into an artistic representation of Earth. Team will include the stacking of the components, placement of the weights, and Earth into the theme of its performance. Cost limit: $145 USD. #4: Structure: The Stackable Structure The Long-Term ProblemsThe Long-Term Problems
Teams create/present an original performance about a community that feels threatened by something in a location it has never visited. Community townspeople will use a creative method to select one or more Travelers to visit and explore the location. While at the location, a Traveler will use a means of communication to send a message home to convince the community that there is nothing to fear. Performance will also include a narrator character, two rhymes about the travels, and a moving set piece. Cost limit: $125 USD #5: Theatrical: Seeing is Believing #5: Theatrical: Seeing is Believing The Long-Term ProblemsThe Long-Term Problems
SPONTANEOUS Verbal – verbal responseVerbal – verbal response “Name something that is _______” “Name something that is _______” Hands on – manipulation of materialHands on – manipulation of material “Build the Tallest Tower” Verbal/Hands On (Hybrid) –verbal / hands on Verbal/Hands On (Hybrid) –verbal / hands on Aluminum Foil Spontaneous ProblemsSpontaneous Problems
STYLE Style is the elaboration of the Long-Term Team shows judges what they are particularly excited about or most proud Style is presented during Long-Term Style is presented during Long-Term
Outside Assistance The Team MUST conceive, design, construct, and perform their own ideas. OOTM is a Hands-On Program for Kids, but a Hands-Off Program for Adults OUTSIDEASSISTANCE Outside AssistanceOutside Assistance
PENALTIES Outside Assistance –from anyone: coach, parents, other kids, audience. (-5 to -200 points). Spirit of the Problem - circumventing rules in either Long- Term or Spontaneous (-1 to -100 Points). Unsportsmanlike Conduct - impairing another team’s solution, disruptive behavior, inappropriate language. Intentional (or unintentional) damage to facilities (-1 to -100 points). Incorrect/Missing Membership Sign – -1 to -15 points. Over Cost Limit – Materials over cost limit (-1 to -100 points) Over Time Limit – For each 10 sec or fraction (-5 points) PenaltiesPenalties
PRACTICE PenaltiesPenalties SnackSnack Odyssey notebookOdyssey notebook FolderFolder Adhere to pickup/drop off times!Adhere to pickup/drop off times! Creativity, Brainstorming, & Teamwork
Tournaments Odyssey of the Mind tournaments are held in the spring of each year around the world at various levels Local Regional State / Country World Finals Local Regional State / Country World Finals Although a competition, it is also meant to be a time for the teams to be rewarded and to have FUN! TournamentsTournaments
Odyssey of the Mind Recognition OMER’s Award In recognition of teams or individuals who demonstrate outstanding sportsmanship, exemplary behavior, and exceptional talent Ranatra Fusca presented to teams or individuals who exhibit exceptional creativity, either through some aspect of their problem solution, or an extraordinary idea beyond the problem solution Tournament Placement determined by total score Ties are awarded if there is less than 1 point difference OOTM RecognitionOOTM Recognition
Odyssey of the Mind Be Creative ! Be Creative !Be Creative !
Scheduler Scheduler (how often, when and where team meets) Facilitator Facilitator (helps the team stay organized) Teacher Teacher (teaches basic skills) Asks QUESTIONS Asks QUESTIONS (to help team focus, open-ended) Spontaneous practice Spontaneous practice (practice often, variety, strategies) Role of the Coach What is the Role of the Coach?What is the Role of the Coach?
ROLE of the OMer Team BuildingTeam Building Do ALL the work!
ROLE of the Parents Get kids to & from practice Attend 8 million fund raisers Encouragement Team BuildingTeam Building
CONTRACTS Team BuildingTeam Building STUDENT Expectation ____ I realize that no ODYSSEY problem has only one solution, and that a successful team is one which cooperates by considering EVERYONE'S ideas. I will not criticize anyone's ideas. ____ I agree that my behavior at meetings will be constructive. If it is behavior that is not appropriate in school, it is not appropriate at an ODYSSEY meeting. ____ I agree to cooperate on whatever solution the team chooses, even if it is not my first choice. ____ I agree that all solutions, 'including props, costumes, signs, etc…, will be made completely by me or a member of my team. I realize that if there is any part of our solution that the team cannot complete without assistance, we must redesign that part of the solution. ____ I understand that, at the meet, only 5 team members may participate in the spontaneous solution. ____ I understand that the ODYSSEY program recognizes all teams that bring a solution to the tournaments are considered "winners." ____ I agree to show other teams the utmost respect and good sportsmanship. ____ I will maintain my academic eligibility to participate in Odyssey. (MS/HS)
PARENT Expectation cont. ____ I realize that my child's coach(es) will be contributing a significant amount of time and effort to provide a rewarding experience. time and effort to provide a rewarding experience. ____ If asked I can providing snacks when it is my turn. ____I will be punctual when dropping off or picking up my child from meetings. ____ I agree to discuss all items listed above with my child. ____I understand that there will be fund raising involved and I will help out in any way that I can. any way that I can. ____ I agree, in the proper spirit of ODYSSEY, not to interfere with team's solutions. All creations, inventions, decorations, ideas, must come from the team members. All creations, inventions, decorations, ideas, must come from the team members. NO OUTSIDE ASSISTANCE! ____ If work is done at home, I will not be involved. ____ I agree to make every effort to have my child attend each meeting. If there is a conflict, either my child or I will notify the coach(es). I understand that each conflict, either my child or I will notify the coach(es). I understand that each team member is critical, and I will see that my child honors his/her team member is critical, and I will see that my child honors his/her commitment to team. commitment to team. Team BuildingTeam Building
OdysseySHIRTS Who pays Supporter Practice Adults OMers Parents RegionalsOMer “uniform” Supporters Fund Raising Parents StatesHoodies OMer “uniform” Supporters Parents/FR WorldsOMer “uniform” Supporters NYSOMA Parents MW Swag Parents
Team BuildingTeam Building All shirts adult sized. Not youth Long sleeve option is in classic shirt style PRICES Short Sleeve Long Sleeve S-XL $20.00 S-XL $ XL-3XL $ XL-3XL $23.00 *about $2 from every shirt goes to Moscati Scholarship
New this Year ALL checks made payable to MWCSD with Odyssey on the memo line Parents transport OMers to/from BOCES for Regional competition
FUND RAISING Team BuildingTeam Building
Costs subsidized by FR Regional/State ShirtsRegional/State Shirts Meals at States / WF travel daysMeals at States / WF travel days Partial prop transport costPartial prop transport cost Moscati ScholarshipMoscati Scholarship
FUND RAISING FAQs Team BuildingTeam Building Last year’s effortsLast year’s efforts Time frameTime frame Amount neededAmount needed Teams that move on hold a FR!Teams that move on hold a FR! This Year’s GOAL= $10,000
FUNDRAISING Opportunities Team BuildingTeam Building ENCENC Spont NightSpont Night Community PerformancesCommunity Performances
Team FUNDRAISING Ideas Team BuildingTeam Building UNO’sUNO’s School Hat DaysSchool Hat Days Applebee’s BreakfastApplebee’s Breakfast McDonald’sMcDonald’s Car washCar wash Etc…Etc…
MW Odyssey Merchandize Team BuildingTeam Building CC Magnets CC Window Clings Shopping Tote Bags WristbandsShirtsHoodies
FUND RAISING Team BuildingTeam Building FUDGE SALES
Team BuildingTeam Building 1.Sales begin tonight! 2.Sales end 12/2 3.Goal per OMer = $ % 5.OMer competition
OMer with top sales wins prize!
RAFFLE: Team BuildingTeam Building Win a new ipad air! Tickets $10 each 3 for $25 5 for $40
ipad Air RAFFLE Team BuildingTeam Building 1.Sales begin ASAP 2.Sales end 12/13 3.Goal per OMer/coach = 5 tickets 4.Costs to $600 5.OMer competition
FUND RAISING Supervising Parent Team BuildingTeam Building Laurie Rodenheiser
Volunteer Help Transportation Committee: Props to Regionals/States Text or call Debra (845) Text or call Debra (845)
FUNDRAISING Team BuildingTeam Building Spaghetti Dinner/ i-pad Raffle i-pad Raffle 50/50 raffle Fudge Sales Supporter Shirt Sales Friday, December 13 th Leslie McInerney
End of Year Banquet Team BuildingTeam Building For OMers Early June
Important DATES What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)? Spaghetti Dinner 12/13 Spontaneous Night 2/4 Regional Tourney 3/1 Community Performances 4/10 State Competition 4/12 Worlds5/27-31
Hotel Reservations STATES: Friday, April 11 Holiday Inn Arena: 2-8 Hawley Street, Binghamton 1 (607) WORLDS: May 27- May 31 Iowa State University Ames, Iowa (see web site for hotel options) What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?
G&T EXPAND Web Pages What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?What is Odyssey of the Mind (OOTM)?