ACCESS Distance Learning providing Classroom Courses and Teachers via Technology For All Alabama Public High Schools Helping Students Succeed
What is ACCESS Distance Learning? A FREE Program Available to all Alabama Public High School Students (Grades 9-12) ACCESS Provides: Equal Access to High Quality Instruction An Infrastructure That Delivers Quality Learning Opportunities Greater Equity for all Alabama Public High School Students Through Cutting-Edge Technology Wide Range of Courses Available to Relatively few Alabama Students Today
Vision The State of Alabama will provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning opportunities. Mission To provide an infrastructure that delivers quality learning opportunities for all citizens.
Distance Learning Course Delivery Methods o Web-Based – Asynchronous o Interactive Videoconferencing (IVC) - Synchronous o Blended – Combination of Delivery Methods
Big Picture ACCESS Delivers: Not Just Virtual Online Courses Not Just IVC Courses But Utilizes: A Unique Blended Approach to Teaching and Learning Utilizing 21st Century Equipment That Breaches the Disconnect Between the Traditional and Online Learning Environment Using Different Delivery Models. Teachers and Students With 21 st Century Skills Multimedia/Technology Tools to Enhance Instruction
Recent Developments Legislative Funding for FY08—$20.3 Million Awarding of 100 ACCESS DL Grants (Expansion III Sites) Alabama Administrative Code Changes Introduction of New Courses
How many 21 st Century Classrooms have been established? 170
What is essential to this 21 st Century Classroom? Tablet Computers Document Camera Microsoft Office DVD/VCR Laptop Cart Wireless Router Printer/Phone/Fax Interactive Whiteboard Multimedia Projector Headphones w/Microphone (1 per Computer) USB Storage Device – 256 mg. Min. Portable IVC Station (Including “Presenter,” Camera(s), Plasma Monitor, and Wheeled Cart)
Alabama Administrative Code Changes Removed Restriction on Number of Credits Students can Earn Through Online Courses Added Wording to Allow Normal School Day to Include Night School, Summer School, and Other Extended Day Periods Added Language to Specifically Allow Homebound Students to Participate in Online Courses With the Approval of Local Superintendent
Alabama Administrative Code Changes Added Requirement That Online Teachers be Highly Qualified in Content Area of Course Taught Added Language to Allow Local Schools to Include Honor Points, Weighting, and Other Special Grade Considerations in Accordance With Local Policies
Increased Course Offerings
How many schools and students are already participating? 188 Schools Participating 7289 Student Enrollments From Summer 2006-Spring 2007 (6278 in Courses and 1011 in AHSGE Modules) Approximately 2400 Enrollments in 2007 Summer School Approximately 4400 Enrollments in Fall 2007 (With an Additional 3300 in AHSGE Remediation Modules)
Who provides support?
Next Steps The ACCESS Plan for Years 2-5 Proposes the Establishment of 21st Century Classrooms in Every Alabama Public High School by End of 2007—70 Sites 100 Additional Sites in January —All High Schools
What about students? The ACCESS Plan Proposes to: Expand the number of students served to reach the goal of giving every high school student the opportunity to take at least one distance learning course during high school. 2007—10, —45,000
IMPACT: How can ACCESS help high schools—now? “Advanced Diploma” Courses Advanced Placement or Dual Enrollment/Credit Courses Basic Core Courses Remediation and Supplemental Resources Teachers with 21 st Century Skills Multimedia/Technology Tools to Enhance Instruction Leverage Existing Resources and Distance Learning Offerings
Advanced Placement Courses 10 AP Courses Now Available 89 Students Enrolled in Students Enrolled in 2007
Core Courses Can Help Increase High School Graduation Rate Allow Students to Repeat Courses Failed and Stay “On Track” for Graduation Allow Students to Repeat Only One Semester of a Course Allow for Credit Recovery Options Provide Flexible Scheduling Options Provide Remediation Materials and Practice for the AHSGE
Future Addition of Other Courses (Including Career/Tech Courses) Further Development of Blended Model Implementation of Teacher Mentoring Program Addition of More Virtual Field Trips Collaborations With Other Sections of the State Department of Education ─ Special Education (DYS, Corrections) ─ Federal Programs (ELL) ─ Classroom Improvement (Credit Recovery, AP Program)
“Having the Distance Learning Lab has given our students a confidence that they can compete with other students...” (Denise Stovall, Principal, R. A. Hubbard High School, Lawrence County) “My students think that they have reached heaven. One student said that he wanted to live in that lab... the other student next to him told me that this was his favorite class ever!” (Adina Stone, Latin I IVC and Online Teacher, Sheffield High School, Sheffield) “What an exciting day! My students are so ‘ampt’ (in their words, not mine). They are excited to be part of such a unique program. I too am enthusiastic. Thanks for the great opportunity... Alabama now has a source to offer educators and students access to education of the future... and the future is now.” (Samantha Smith, Creative Writing Teacher, Alma Bryant High School, Mobile) Is it working?
“ACCESS has helped the Dallas County School System maintain and expand course offerings when we were either unable to recruit or fund a highly qualified teacher. Without ACCESS, students at my high schools would not have been able to participate in courses such as Advanced Placement Calculus, Latin, Shakespeare, etc. The ACCESS service delivery model has also helped educators become more creative and innovative in the delivery of quality curricula.” (Dr. Fannie L. Major-McKenzie, Superintendent, Dallas County School System) Is it working?
Questions and additional information: Alabama Department of Education Technology Initiatives (Fax) Contact Information