4 th Grade Review Science Social Studies Math SpellingHistory Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.


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Presentation transcript:

4 th Grade Review Science Social Studies Math SpellingHistory Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

$100 Question from H1 In the temperate regions, there are this many seasons.

$100 Answer from H1 What is 4 seasons?

$200 Question from H1 Name the four season.

$200 Answer from H1 What is fall, winter, spring, and summer

$300 Question from H1 The main cause of earth’s seasons

$300 Answer from H1 What is the earth’s axial tilt?

$400 Question from H1 The name given for those two days that are the shortest and the longest days of the year?

$400 Answer from H1 What is Solstices?

$500 Question from H1 Another name for the spring equinox?

$500 Answer from H1 What is the Vernal Equinox

$100 Question from H2 Capital of South Dakota.

$100 Answer from H2 What is Pierre?

$200 Question from H2 There is this many continents in the world.

$200 Answer from H2 What is Seven?

$300 Question from H2 This is the longest river in the United States.

$300 Answer from H2 What is the Missouri River?

$400 Question from H2 The abbreviation for Florida.

$400 Answer from H2 What is FL?

$500 Question from H2 This was the first colony out of the thirteen colonies.

$500 Answer from H2 What is Jamestown, Virginia?

$100 Question from H3 This roman numeral X stands for what number?

$100 Answer from H3 What is number 10?

$200 Question from H3 Definition of a prime number.

$200 Answer from H3 What is a number that can only Be divided evenly by itself and one?

$300 Question from H3 5 X 7 =

$300 Answer from H3 What is 35?

$400 Question from H3 At a birthday party you counted 60 eyes. How many people are there?

$400 Answer from H3 What is 30 people?

$500 Question from H3 Time for a pizza party. There are 4 cheese pizzas, 4 sausage pizzas, and 4 veggie pizzas. Each pizza is divided into 6 pieces and each student gets 3 pieces, how many students are there?

$500 Answer from H3 What is 24 students?

$100 Question from H4 Unscramble this word- B T E U

$100 Answer from H4 What is tube?

$200 Question from H4 Unscramble this word- O T O R.

$200 Answer from H4 What is Root?

$300 Question from H4 Unscramble this word- L C R O O.

$300 Answer from H4 What is Color?

$400 Question from H4 Unscramble this word- L O E F W R.

$400 Answer from H4 Who is Flower?

$500 Question from H4 Unscramble this word- T E T R F Y L U B.

$500 Answer from H4 What is Butterfly?

$100 Question from H5 The first president in the United States.

$100 Answer from H5 Who is President Washington?

$200 Question from H5 Name of the men who wrote the Constitution of the United States.

$200 Answer from H5 Who is our Founding Fathers?

$300 Question from H5 This woman led the Louise and Clark Expedition into the Louisiana Territory.

$300 Answer from H5 Who was Sacagawea?

$400 Question from H5 This man spoke to thousands of people. His speech was known as “I have a Dream.”

$400 Answer from H5 Who is Martin Luther King?

$500 Question from H5 This American President was responsible for the Louisiana Purchase.

$500 Answer from H5 Who was Thomas Jefferson?

Final Jeopardy All students must make sure they do one thing before leaving the classroom.

Final Jeopardy Answer What is putting my chair away?