By Aliya and Caroline
Some think that John f. Kennedy was one of the greatest presidents ever. He was in office from 1961 to He died in 1963 Dallas, Texas. Fun Fact John’s birth name was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. He was named after his grandfather “John Fitzgerald Kennedy”.
Date of Birth- May 29 th 1917 Brookline Massachusetts Date of death- November 22 nd :30 pm Nick names- JFK, Jack Crash Kenndey (ww2) He was the 35 th president ( ) Kids- Caroline and John Jr. Kenndey John F. Kennedy was the youngest U.S president elected but not the youngest to be in the office. He was the youngest President to die. Political: Democratic
Ducks A Pony named Macaroni JFK, Macaroni & Kids
He graduated from Harvard in 1940.
His hobbies were………. He was a great reader His favorite movie was Spartacus His favorite sports were: Golf, Basketball, Tennis, Football BBQs
John and Jacqueline Kennedy got married September 12 th John and Jacqueline Kennedy where married for 10 years before John’s death. Jacqueline Kennedy died in 1994 from cancer. Jacqueline Lee Bouvier (maiden name)
John F. Kennedy jr. (dead) & Caroline Kennedy John F. Kennedy jr. died in a plane crash on this date: 07/16/1999 Age: 38 Caroline Kennedy (still alive) was born on 11/27/1957 Age: 52
In Dallas Texas John F. Kennedy was shot with a rifle by Lee Harvey Oswald. The rifle was later found in a book depository. Lee Harvey Oswald was later killed by Jack Ruby. He was buried in Arlington Notional Cemetery, Arlington VA A= Where Lee Harvey Oswald was when he fired the rifle. B= Where Lee Harvey Oswald opened a window to trick the secret service.
John F. Kennedy was shot in a convertible.
The rifle was fired 3 times.
Thanks for watching our awesome slide show (ppt)!!! Hope you learned a lot about JFK!