The 2-year program will begin July 1, 2013 and run through June 30, Stark County is expected to receive somewhere around $1,053,908 during FY This is the same amount as received in FY ’12, but a 20.71% decrease from the FY ‘11 level of $1,329,232. It is unknown what will be received for FY ‘14. As funding has been decreasing over the last several years, it is not expected that funding will increase, but most likely, and unfortunately, shrink.
Stark County’s Approx. grant allocation (per year)- $1,053, Administration and Planning - 210, (20% of grant allocation) Housing Rehabilitation program- 180, Emergency Rehabilitation Grant program- 40, Fair Housing- 60, Public Service Projects- 89, Economic Development Project- 32, Approx. available funding for infrastructure/ public facility improvement projects per year $ 441,770.00
As CDBG funding has decreased over the last several years and project costs for the most part have increased, it is nearly impossible for CDBG funding to be the only source of funding for a project. For this reason, applicants are encouraged to seek additional sources of funding for potential projects. In addition to local funding, some suggested potential funding sources include: Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) USDA Ohio EPA
Application workshop is being held for all potential Stark County CDBG-eligible infrastructure & public facility improvement applicants. Eligible applications must serve areas in Stark County outside of the Cities of Canton, Massillon, Alliance, and the Village of Hills & Dales. Applications will be accepted until November 7th. All application workshop attendees will automatically receive 10 additional points on each application submitted.
Each application must be submitted on its own Stark County CDBG application form. A copy of the blank application form is in contained in each CDBG green folder. Additional copies may be obtained through the CDBG office or from the RPC website – There is no limit on the number of applications submitted by each applicant. Each applicant may submit as many applications as they want. Joint applications, i.e. an application submitted on behalf of two political subdivisions must have the endorsement of all parties involved.
Applications must meet one of the CDBG National Objectives in order to be eligible to receive funding: Benefit low-to moderate-income persons/families, Aid in the prevention or elimination of slum & blight, -or- Undertake an urgent need in the community. 2000 Low-to Moderate-Income (LMI) census maps are available for all eligible villages/cities/townships. All applications deemed eligible will be reviewed by 3 staff members and a 5 member committee, which was chosen by the public during last year’s application workshop.
Review Committee members represent: Large Townships Small Townships Cities Villages County-at-large Review Committee will meet on 3-5 occasions to review all eligible applications. Once applications are reviewed, scores will be tallied and the projects will be ranked according to scores.
After the application review process is completed, the staff and the Review Committee will meet again to assess and discuss the results. Once the review process is completed, the potential projects will be ranked and a infrastructure/public facilities improvement funding plan will be developed for FY 2013 & 2014.
This plan will then be presented at a public meeting in late winter Public input will be accepted. A public hearing will then be held in late winter/early spring 2013 with the Board of Stark County Commissioners. Once again, public input will be accepted. At the end of a 30-day comment period, the Board of Stark County Commissioners will then adopt the FY ‘13 CDBG plan and tentatively adopt the FY ‘14 plan.
Any new or previously submitted, but unfunded, infrastructure/public facilities improvement application may be submitted. No other types of applications will be accepted during this application process. This FY 2013 & 2014 funding plan was developed to: 1. Help potential applicants plan project budgets for the reduction in CDBG funding, 2. Allow applicants the opportunity to revise and resubmit previously submitted, unfunded applications and, 3. Encourage the submission of additional CDBG worthy applications for funding during the next two years.