Budget Budget Update February 24, 2014
Fund balance ,520, ,799,192 6/30/12) 721,030 (or 1.3% of budget) High renewal projection for health benefits Continuing to fund capital reserve
Explanation of Tax Levy Cap 2% base cap (1% on the budget - $585k) Health benefit adjust (approx $164k) Banked Cap 13-14$ $ 879, $ 0 Split Year Levy – effect on rate Township Property Revaluation
No details available Current budget assumes flat state aid Calculated Aid – $28,766, Actual Aid – $23,572,868 Governor’s Budget Address 2/25 2PM State aid released 48 hours later
Awaiting SDA grant offers for awarded projects Priority is roofs at Roland and S’ville 18 months to accept grant offer Total SDA grants amount to $2.4 mil Local share amounts to $2.66 mil SDA meeting Wednesday 2/26 in Robbinsville Summer 2013 completed Rann roof and parking lot
Committee meeting held this past week Updated committee on progress Security Film Recommendations for budget include: School Resource Officer Camera expansion (door and school- wide) Long term planning – entryway reconfiguration
Continued requirements related to Common Core PARCC Principal and Teacher Evaluation Instructional Technology iPads 3-5 Laptops 6-8 Additional Technology Teachers
Governor’s Budget Address 2/25 State Aid Released 2/27 Committee meetings if necessary Budget Update (w/state aid) 3/17 Submission of Budget to DOE 3/17 Regular public meeting 4/14 Public Budget Hearing 4/28