Alien Diplomatic Ghastly Humane Mortal Planetary Satellite tranquil
Complete Meaning, POS, examples, and visual--- Alien (adj.)- Foreign, abnormal (n.) a foreigner, an outsider Not all science fiction is about alien beings, but hundreds have featured beings from another planet. Diplomatic (adj.) Describes one who keeps peaceful relationships, considerately Sometimes visitors from outer space are on a diplomatic mission to Earth, and wish to make friendships with Earthlings
Complete Meaning, POS, examples, and visual--- Ghastly (adj.)- ghostlike; very unpleasant The Worf in Star Trek is a ghastly being at first glance. However, fans seem to love his frightful appearance. Humane (adj.) Possessing the best qualities of human beings; kind The actress played the role of the kind, or humane, nurse.