Progress Report on USDA and USFS Green Building Initiatives


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Presentation transcript:

Progress Report on USDA and USFS Green Building Initiatives Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values USDA and FS Lead the Way on Green Buildings Chief Tidwell – “As we move forward with restoring America’s forests, we are getting smarter and more efficient in how we use wood products as both an energy and green building source, which will help maintain rural jobs” Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Sustainability: The Big Picture Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values USDA Strategy - Goals USE: select wood in new USFS & USDA building construction RESEARCH: enhance research & development of green building materials DEMONSTRATION: capture opportunities in USFS, USDA and with partners to demonstrate new uses of wood PARTNERSHIPS: develop and support partnerships for using wood in federal government, private, and NGO sectors Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Use of Wood Pre-2011 Sylamore RD Office Ozark – St. Francis National Forest Mountain View, AR First FS certified green building, 2006 Building is wood framed with wood and stone veneer siding Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values USFS 2011 Directive Increase use of locally milled timber in all new agency buildings and facilities Camino Real Ranger Station, Carson National Forest, Penasco, NM Building features locally milled wood products Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values USDA Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan Goal 3, Objective 6 – Use Domestic Wood as the Preferred Sustainable Building Construction Material. “Use domestically harvested wood products, ideally locally sourced and from National Forest System lands wherever practicable and feasible, as the preferred green building material for all USDA facilities and buildings.” Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Progress Goal 1: Use of wood in building construction LCI/LCA: current information and tools to meet green building codes and standards; develop environmental product declarations (EPDs) Direction: 2011 USDA Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan & USDA Sustainable Buildings Implementation Plan (soon to be published) Buildings constructed in AK, NM, OR, CA, etc. Under design and registered in “Green Globes”: Research Triangle Park Forestry Science & Assessment Center (NC) Enoree Ranger District Office (SC) Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Angeles National Forest Supervisor Office Arcadia, CA New USFS Buildings Angeles National Forest Supervisor Office Arcadia, CA 24,500 sq. ft. Wood frame Wood trusses in roof system Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Camino Real Ranger Station, Carson National Forest Penasco, NM 8,500 sq. ft. Locally milled wood products Wood in framing, sheathing, doors, and windows Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Corvallis Laboratory – Siuslaw National Forest HQ Office Corvallis, OR Before construction 9,700 sq. ft. Wood exterior, interior paneling, glulam and wood fixtures After construction Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Juneau Laboratory, AK Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Enoree Ranger District Office Francis Marion-Sumter NF Whitmire, SC Renovation and addition planned for 2013 Expected to be first FS Green Globes building Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Progress Goal 2: Enhancing green building and wood use research & development Innovative ways to use smaller diameter timber, leftover branches and limbs New building materials research at FPL Enhancing the development and application of LCA Developing wood product standards and code acceptance for wood in non-residential construction Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Cross Laminated Timber Nanotechnology Cross Laminated Timber Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Progress Goal 3: Demonstrating innovative uses of wood compatible with green building standards Demo projects: FPL Demo house, Madison, WI Mississippi State University campus Haywood Community College campus, NC Green building competitions: Carbon Challenge Baltimore Carbon Challenge Providence Supporting USDA Biopreferred Program Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values FPL - Advanced Housing Research Center Demonstration House Madison, WI Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Progress Goal 4: Develop partnerships in federal, private, and NGO sectors to advance the use of wood Promote wood preference policy with USDA’s position on White House Steering Committee on Federal Sustainability Outreach results of the FPL - LCA study and ongoing work Work with GSA on high performance building guiding principles Partner with U.S. WoodWorks program on educating and transferring technology to design and building professionals New DOD schools initiative partnership Continue offering technical assistance to private, non-profit and public sector Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Partnership Opportunities How can we move forward as a community to develop and promote sustainable wood uses? How do we build a bigger, more effective coalition supporting wood as a material for sustainability? Changing Forests…Enduring Values

How Can We Better Position Wood in the Big Sustainability Picture? NON-SUSTAINABLE SUSTAINABLE Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Ecological Social Economic Sustainable Future Changing Forests…Enduring Values

Changing Forests…Enduring Values Thank you …. Contact: Jim Reaves, Deputy Chief – Research and Development ( Dave Cleaves , Climate Change Advisor – Office of the Chief ( Changing Forests…Enduring Values