Florida Interim Assessment Item Bank and Test Platform (FL IBTP) Training for Teachers Pilot Test Spring 2014 This training is designed for teachers participating in the Florida Interim Assessment Item Bank and Test Platform, or IBTP, pilot test.
Training Objectives This workshop will address how to do the following: Administer an assessment online Demonstrate the student experience of taking an online assessment Demonstrate how to score open response questions Locate support resources. In this video, we will learn how to do the following:
ASSESSMENT ADMINISTRATION PREPARATION - TEACHER The next slides will cover what teachers need to do to prepare for assessment administration.
Preparing for the Assessment Make sure students have already been introduced to the features of the online assessment. On test day, teachers will do the following: Write the online passcode on the board. Distribute student usernames and passwords. If your students are unfamiliar with online testing, you may want to use the Student Experience PowerPoint to show them in advance how the features of the IBTP work. On test day, teachers should write the online passcode for the test on the board, and will distribute student usernames and passwords.
Student Usernames and Passwords For secure assessments, your test coordinator will provide you with a sheet of students’ usernames and passwords. You will need to cut these apart and distribute to students on test day.
The Student Experience Taking an Online Test in the Florida Item Bank and Test Platform (FL IBTP) First, we’ll cover what your students will need to do on the day of testing. If you would like to walk your students through the process before test day, there is a separate PowerPoint on the student experience that you can use to show them the features of the IBTP. This video will help you assist your teachers on test day.
How to Take a Test in the FL IBTP Steps to follow: STEP 1: Launch Secure Tester STEP 2: Sign in STEP 3: Answer questions STEP 4: Check your answers STEP 5: Submit for grading There are five steps that students will need to follow in order to successfully complete a test in the IBTP. We’ll walk through each of these in detail in the next few slides.
Launch Secure Tester and Sign In Students double-click the Schoolnet Secure Tester. The teacher or another test proctor will provide the username, password, and an online passcode. First, your students should double-click on the Schoolnet Secure Tester icon on their computers[click]. Our district office is installing this onto every student computer, so this icon will already be in place for your students on test day. After students have opened the Secure Tester program, they will be prompted to enter a username, [click] password, and online passcode. For secure tests, each school’s test coordinator will print out and provide to teachers a username and password that students will use to login to the IBTP. You will also be given an online passcode that is specific to that test. For example, if students are taking a reading test during first period, and a math test during third period, those two tests will each have a different online passcode, so the program automatically directs students to begin the correct test.
Verify the Test Name Click Start Your Test. This is the screen where you will verify the test name and the correct section for the test. Once students have logged in, they will be taken to the Online Test Access screen. This is the screen where students verify that the test is the correct test they should be taking.. If it’s correct, they should click Start Your Test. Click Start Your Test.
Start Your Test Confirm that the welcome message displays the correct name, then click Start Test Now. Once they have confirmed that the test is correct, they will see a welcome screen that has their names [click], the name of the assigned test [click], and if both of these are correct, students should click [click] “Start Test Now.”
Test Navigation and Strategies Click the flag icon to tag questions you want to review before you submit the test. Click Hide for any answer options you want to eliminate. Click the scroll bar to scroll down the page. Click Next to move to the next question. Once students begin testing, they have several options to help them. [click] For multiple choice questions, the word “Hide” appears next to each answer choice. Students can use this feature to hide any answer options that they want to eliminate. In the top right-hand side of the screen, they will see a flag icon. Students can use this to mark any questions that they want to come back and review before submitting the test. [click] They will need to use the scroll bar to move up and down the screen, for passages that are too long to fit onto the screen. [click] They will also see Next and Previous buttons that they can use to move forwards and backwards through the questions. [click] Finally, they can use the Pause button to pause the test at any time. Click Next to move to the next question.
Gridded Items A bicycle that costs $320 is on sale this week for 20% off the regular price. How much can be saved by purchasing the bicycle this week? For math and science tests only, students may encounter gridded items. They should either click the numbers in the bubble or click in the square at the top of the column to type in the value. They may be given more columns than are needed for the correct response. If they have more columns than needed, it doesn’t matter if the students’ answer starts at the left side or is flush with the right side.
Math Tools Students should use the math tools provided to help answer math questions. Some math tests will include manipulatives like an online ruler, protractor, compass, and calculator. Students can click each tool icon [click] to use the appropriate tool. Note: If you are testing on a Mac computer, manipulatives are not supported on the Safari 5 browser. Mac users can use Safari 6 or Google Chrome. [click] The clear button will Clear all drawing marks from the screen.. Depending on the grade level and type of question, there are several manipulatives that might be available to students. There are three possible rulers: an inch ruler, a centimeter ruler, and a unit ruler (a ruler without a labeled unit of measurement). To move the ruler, students can click and drag it. [click] To rotate it, they should click the small circle below the tool and move the cursor. Protractor – Moving the protractor is the same as moving the ruler. Compass – The compass is the only manipulative that students can use to make marks on their screens. Students can clear the marks by clicking Clear on the toolbar. And, finally, there are 3 possible calculators: 4 Function, Scientific and Graphing. When test item writers wrote the test questions that your students will be taking, they had to mark for each question what type of manipulatives should be available, so students in higher grades will see more manipulatives than students in lower grades, and will be more likely to have the scientific or graphing calculator, while students in lower grades will be given fewer manipulatives and the 4-function calculator.
Items with Passages Multiple items may refer to reading passages, diagrams, images, or charts. If needed, use the scroll bar to see everything. To highlight a section of text, click the highlighter icon and drag the cursor over any important parts of the passage. Items with passages have a split screen. If the passage is longer than the screen, students can use the scroll in the center to scroll through passage content, just like on the FAIR test. Questions relating to the passage display on the right or bottom. Passages have a highlighter manipulative available. [click] If students wish to highlight text in yellow, they can click the highlighter and then: Students will place the cursor at the start of the text they want to highlight. Left-click and hold down the cursor, drag the cursor over the passage they want to highlight, then let go of the cursor button.
Open Response Items For open response items, students type in their answers. The word count will keep track of how many words they have entered. Sometimes tests will include questions that require students to type their answers into the Answer field. They should click in the white text box labeled Answer[click] and type their response. A word count shows how many words they have entered so far and may be useful if the student response needs to be of a minimum length. In the future, students will be able to upload files, but that feature is not currently available.
The Equation Editor Click the Sigma icon ( ∑ ) in the toolbar on open response items to access the Equation Editor. Students in upper grades will use the equation editor to enter special characters and symbols when answering math and science questions. This allows students to include symbols, matrices, Greek letters and numbers, trig and calculus functions, and arrows when answering open response questions. They can click any symbol to insert it into the Source window[click] (on the left). A preview of the selection displays on the right.[click] This preview represents how the answer will look on the test. To remove a symbol or part of an equation, students can simply highlight the text in the Source window and press Delete or Backspace on the keyboard.
Accessing Reference Sheets Reference sheets are available for some mathematics and Spanish items. Students should click the Reference sheet button to open the reference sheet needed to answer the test question. For example, a mathematics reference sheet may include math formulas and units of measure, while a Spanish reference sheet may include images associated with audio passages.
Recording Audio Responses When taking foreign language tests, students may be required to record their responses in the FL IBTP using a microphone. When taking foreign language tests, students may be required to record their responses into the IBTP using a microphone. The student clicks Record. Then the message changes from “Ready to Record” to “Recording.” The student records his or her response verbally. Once finished, the student clicks Stop. The message then shows the number of seconds recorded, at which time the student can click Record Again to re-record his or her response, or click Attach to save the recording. Once attached, the student can see within the test item that he or she has attached a recording. At this time, the student has the option to continue to the next test item, play his or her answer, or delete and re-record the response.
Keep Track of Progress The bar at the bottom left displays student progress. As students are testing, there is a bar at the bottom left of the screen that will display their progress.
Internet Problem Warning Students should notify the teacher if this red warning indicator appears. A red icon will appear on the top right of the screen if there is a connectivity issue. Questions are saved each time students navigate to a new test question. If this warning icon goes away, students should check their work before submitting. If the icon stays and the Internet is down, students should click Pause and exit the test – they will be able to log back in and resume the test.
Automatic Save The testing platform saves responses automatically every 100 characters a student types in an open response field and each time a student clicks any of the following: Next Pause View Test Summary Back Because Internet connectivity issues can potentially disrupt online testing, the system’s Smart Save feature minimizes lost work. The IBTP has an automatic save feature that will save after every 100 characters a student types, for open response questions, and will save every time a student clicks Next, Pause, Back, or View Test Summary.
Review and Submit Students use the Test Response Summary to access unanswered or flagged items. They should submit the test when finished. The test response summary shows up once students have reached the end of the test. In this summary, they will see all of the questions they have answered [click] in blue text, and their unanswered questions in red text [click] . A flag will appear next to each question that students flagged for follow-up. Students can submit the test without answering all of the questions, but they should use this summary screen to identify any they’ve skipped before submitting.
Confirm Submit Once they have clicked to submit the test, they will get a final confirmation, and they should click Yes if they want to submit the test. Clicking No will return the students to the test.
Close Test After the students have confirm the test submission, they will be prompted to click Close Test.
SCORING STUDENT ASSESSMENTS – TEACHER Once your students have finished testing, it is time to login and score any open response items that were included on the test. The following section walks you through how to do this.
Sign In https://prodsnibtp.fldoe.org The first step to using the IBTP is to sign in. Please bookmark this page on your computer, so that you can access it later to pull reports on your students’ performance. First, select Osceola [click] as your school district, then, using the username and sign in information provided to you via email, sign in to access the site. Once signed in, show users where they should sign out each time they finish using the site. If you forget your password, instructions will be given later on in this presentation for how to contact technical support.
Monitor an Online Assessment The first step to scoring an online assessment is to access your proctor dashboard. On the home page, you will see a link at the top called Assessment Admin: Create and Monitor. Under this, click Track Completion Rates. [click] Once you click on that link, under Status & Student Comments, you should click the Data Collection Report. Click that link [click] and You will see your school listed, as well as your classes. When you open up your class, you will see a section called Track [click] above the name of the test you’ve just administered. Click Open Proctor Dashboard to access this test. There is an instruction sheet that we will show you later on in this presentation, which gives you directions for how to access the Proctor Dashboard if you forget.
Proctor Dashboard: Scoring This is what the proctor dashboard looks like. You can click the pen, which is the Edit Icon, next to each student’s name to see the questions that need to be scored.
Scoring There are two ways to score student answers: The first we will look at is to click on “by student test,” which will show you all open response items submitted by this one student. Click the arrows next to Show Question and Show Response to view the scoring guide provided for each question, as well as your students’ responses to that question. Then, in the empty box circled on this screen shot, you will enter in your score for each student response.
Scoring The other way to score is to score by open response item. With this option, you are seeing all student responses to question 3 on one page. Both scoring strategies work equally well, so this is a matter of your personal preference when deciding which to use.
Useful Quick Reference Cards How to run a report How to score online assessments Online testing site requirements How to administer online assessments Managing Internet connectivity On the Research Evaluation and Accountability SharePoint page, you can find quick reference cards with instructions for each task related to administering assessments in the IBTP. Please feel free to print these and use as needed.
Support Information If at any point you need assistance walking through the Pilot Testing steps: Call the Help Desk number at 1-(866)-697-6435 or 866-MYSNHELP. E-mail the Help Desk at schoolnetsupport@pearson.com. Hours of operation are Mon-Fri: 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM EST. All Help Desk agents are trained and aware of how to assist Pilot Testing customers. If you need assistance while you are participating in the pilot testing, you can contact the help desk by phone or by e-mail. Help desk agents have been trained on how to use the Florida IBTP, and will be able to assist you if you encounter any technical difficulties.
Your feedback is valuable. You will be emailed a survey at the end of the Item Tryout. We appreciate and welcome your feedback. Thank you very much for your time.