Created by Tim Hines
Table of Contents Peregrine Falcon Osprey Bald Eagle Red Tailed Hawk Broad Winged Hawk Cooper’s Hawk Sharp Shinned Hawk Barred Owl Barn Owl Great Horned Owl
Size: cm (14-19 in) Wingspan: cm (39-43 in) Weight: g ( ounces) Long pointed wings.
White breast and belly. Blackish brown back and wings. White head with a dark eyestripe cm (21-23 in) standing upright Wingspan: cm ( in) Weight: g ( ounces) Fish are 99% of the Osprey’s diet.Fish are 99% of the Osprey’s diet. Pandion haliaetus The Osprey nests on many manmade structures like telephone poles or channel markers.
Size: cm (28-38 in) Wingspan: 204 cm (80 in) Weight: g ( ounces) Prefers to eat fish. Also eats large birds, mammals, and carrion. During courtship, a pair flies up high, locks feet and spirals toward the ground Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Size: cm (18-26 in) Wingspan: cm (45-52 in) Weight: g ( ounces) Preys on small and medium-sized mammals, birds, reptiles. Buteo jamaicensis
Size: cm ( in) Wingspan: cm (32-39 in) Weight: g ( ounces) Chest reddish, reddish barring along sides. Throat white. Buteo platypterus
Size: cm (15-20 in) Wingspan: cm ( in) Weight: g ( ounces) Medium-sized hawk. Tail long, rounded, and barred. Wings short and rounded. Back dark gray or gray- brown. Underparts barred reddish and white. Accipiter cooperii
Size: cm (9-13 in) Wingspan: cm (17-22 in) Weight: g ( ounces) Small hawk. Tail long, barred, and ends with a square tip. Wings short and rounded. Adults with blue-gray back and wings, reddish barring on underparts. Accipiter striatus
Size: cm (17-20 in) Wingspan: cm (39-43 in) Weight: g ( ounces) Large owl. Head round with no ear tufts. Eyes dark. Underparts whitish with dark streaks.
Size: cm (13-16 in) Wingspan: cm (39-49 in) Weight: g ( ounces) White or mostly white underside. Heart-shaped, white face. Back tawny, marked with black and white Round head without ear tufts. Tyto alba
Size: cm (18-25 in) Wingspan: cm (40-57 in) Weight: g ( ounces) Ear tufts are offset to pinpoint noises. Bubo virginianus