Federalists What did they believe in or want? Whom do they want involved in government? What social classes followed them? What was their view on the Constitution ? What foreign country did they support? What industries did they support? Whose Ideas? (the leaders) Alexander Hamilton (also John Adams) A Strong Federal Government They had a loose interpretati on of the Constitution The upper class or wealthy The wealthy and educated The British Banking, shipping and manufacturing
Democratic - Republicans Where did they want power in government? What was their view on the Constitution? What foreign country did they support? Whose ideas did they follow? Who did they want to involve in government? What industries did they support? What social classes followed them? Working class A Strong State Government Thomas Jefferson (also James Madison now that the Constitution was approved) French They had a strict interpretation of the Constitution The People Agriculture; Urban factory workers
Evolution of Political Parties Hamiltonians v. Jeffersonians 1792 Federalist Democratic-Republicans 1816 End of the Federalist Party 1820 One Political Party! (Era of Good Feelings) 1825 National-Republicans Democratic-Republicans 1834 Whigs Democrats 1854 Republicans
George Washington’s Presidency Washington Creates Cabinet – Summer 1789 Judiciary Act of 1789 Treaty of Greenville 1795 Pinckney’s Treaty 1795 Proclamation of Neutrality 1791 Hamilton issues reports on National Debt Whiskey Rebellion - July 1794 Jay’s Treaty – November 1794 Bill of Rights - December 1791 Challenges Successes