Arizona Game and Fish Department 2012 Calendar Photo Contest Honorable Mention Slideshow Thank you to all the talented photographers who entered the Department’s annual photo contest. This year we received more than 250 photos. The following is a slideshow of the honorable mention images. A list of honorable mention photographers can be found at Thanks again to all who participated. Congratulations! Images may not be reproduced without written consent from the photographer.
Gray fox by J.C. Amberlyn
Raven by J.C. Amberlyn
Red-spotted toad by Corey Anderson
Vermilion flycatcher by Suzanne Anderson
Coyote by Ann Beisser
White-nosed coati by Ann Beisser
Great-horned owl by Ed Bonkowski
Acorn woodpecker by Michael Burm
American badger by Jim Burns
Round-tailed ground squirrel by Peggy Coleman
Bobcat by Dennis A. Gagnon
Sora by Charles Gill
Burrowing owls by Denny Green
Cinnamon teal by Ted Hendy
Ring-necked ducks by Ted Hendy
Mule deer by Jeremy Houston
Mallard by Claude Humeau
Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep by Scott Johnsen
Curve-billed thrasher by Wayne Johnson
Costa’s hummingbird (female) by Pam Koch
Sharp-shinned hawk by Alan Krause
Western tanager by John Kulberg
Bighorn sheep by Robert Kyhn
Great egret by William Lax
Bighorn sheep by Dori Lewis
Northern cardinal by Steven Lewis
Broad-billed hummingbird by Lois Manowitz
Costa’s hummingbird by Charles Martz
American avocet by Dixie Pearson-Shute
Great egret by Hector Penunuri
White-winged dove by Bruce A. Phillips
Costa’s hummingbird (juvenile) by Kathleen Reeder
Desert tortoise by Jeff Servoss
Gila monster by Jeff Servoss
Desert spiny lizard by Rhonda Spencer
Greater earless lizard by Cheryl Stapleton
Bald eagle by Cara Sue Wallace
Black-tailed rattlesnake by William Wells
Great Basin collared lizard by William Wells
Desert spiny lizard by Vern West
Gray squirrel by Tom Whetten
Arizona treefrog by Lowell Whitaker
Harris’s hawk by Rebecca Wilks