UNIT 4 VOCAB green series Lessons 16-24
Chide Scold mildly, disapproval
noxious Harmful to life and health
scenario Sequence of events, story
diabolic Very cruel, wicked, demonic
yen A strong desire for, craving
integral Necessary to the whole, needed part
Coalition A union or group with a purpose
commensurate Consistent with, in proportion
Connotation a secondary meaning of a word, common use
dilapidated Broken down, in major need of repair
analogy A comparison of two things to make a point
vindicate Clear from blame, prove right
placebo A fake medication or cure
emanate To come out of, come forth
annihilate To destroy completely
criterion A standard by which something is judged
subversive Undermine or overthrow, sneaky
staunch Firm, loyal, supporting
holisitic Emphasize the whole
proficient Skilled, expert, highly skilled
exacerbate To make worse, make severe
mitigate Relieve, make better or less intense
unprecedented Never done before, a first
panacea A cure- all, a universal remedy
atrophy To wear down, become weak from lack of use
deplore To condemn, to express disapproval
deprivation Lack or have a shortage of basics
imperative Urgent, necessary
objective Open-minded, not prejudiced
utilitarian Made for practical use
assimilate To blend or fit in to a culture or area
demeanor Conduct, behavior
denunciation To criticize publicly, put down
indolent Lazy, avoiding work
belligerent Hostile, aggressive
inherent Natural, built-in, inborn
unilateral Acting on one’s own, one-sided choice
unassuming Modest, not boastful
dissipate To thin out or scatter, vanish
nonchalant Calm, carefree, casual
decorum Correct manners or behavior
exhiliration High spirits, energy
facilitate To help or make something easier, assist
orthodox The normal or accepted method, tradition
extricate To free from a difficulty
synchronize Occur at the exact same time
espouse To support, argue for
tenuous Shaky, poorly supported
exorbitant Costly, excessive, beyond what is needed
rejuvenate Give new life to, make fresh again
encompass include
standardize make uniform
homogenous uniform
stringent strict, rules
adept able, skilled
eradicate remove, wipe out
sordid morally low, evil
entrepreneur business starter or venture
stint short time of work
presumptuous pushy, bold
metriculous careful, exact
repugnant revolting, disgusting
foible quirk, personal oddity
recrimination blame, charge another
magnanimous generous, forgiving
exhort push to do, urge
rancor bad feelings, ill will
innocuous not harmful, not dangerous
flamboyant showy, colorful
masochist one likes to suffer or hurt self