Cit, Civ, Poli, Polis, Ploit (Citizen, city, state)
Cit a del Ci ta tion Civ il Civ il i za tion Me trop ol is Ne crop ol is Pol ice Pol i cy Pol i ti cian Pol i tics
Citadel (N) –A fotress Near a city
Citation (n) -A ticket -For a violation of a law within a city or a state.
Civil (adj) -Behavior -Peaceful -Order -Following the laws of a city or state.
Civilization (N) -A Group -Of people who live together
Metropolis (N) -City Major Urban area The center of a specific activity.
Necropolis (N) -Cemetery Large and elaborate Belonging to an ancient city. Historic or prehistoric
Police (v) -To control -Regulate -Keep order
Policy (N) -A Plan -Of action for a city or town or other organization
Politian (N) -A person Who holds office in a city or state.
Politics (N) -Activities -Methods, tactics or affairs associated with the government of a city or state.