Kids With H.E.A.R.T. Helping Endangered Animals Resist Threat “Images appears courtesy of ImageAnimals at” Helping Endangered Animals Resist Threat
Have you ever wondered? What is the difference between extinct, endangered, and threatened? Why are animals endangered? What makes some animals more at risk than others? What is being done to help save endangered species? How can I help?
Extinct Species that are gone forever Stellar Sea Cows were hunted to extinction by people. They were enormous sea mammals that could be 20 to 30 feet long and weighed about 8,500 pounds. Stellar Sea Cows were killed for food.
Endangered Endangered animals are still living today but are in immediate danger of extinction.
Threatened A species that is likely to become endangered if it is not protected.
Why are Animals Endangered? Natural Causes Human-Induced Causes
Why are Animals Endangered? Natural Causes Natural Catastrophes Earthquakes Volcanoes Climatic changes Forest fires Severe weather
Why are Animals Endangered? Natural Causes: Failure to Adapt Survival of the fittest Inability to compete for food Inability to compete for territory Failure to protect it’s young Disease
Why are Animals Endangered? Human-Induced Causes: Loss of Habitat Human over population Human need for housing, industry, farming, cities
Why are Animals Endangered? Human Induced Causes: Break in the Food Chain Creates an in balance Food competition All living things are connected to each other. It is like a web. When we remove anything in nature, something else is affected.
Why are Animals Endangered? Human Induced Causes: Hunting and Trapping Illegal poaching for fur, tusk, and body parts Trapped for zoos
Why are Animals Endangered? Human Induced Causes: Pollution Litter Contaminated water Pesticides
What Makes Some Animals More at Risk Than Others? Risky Business: Some animals are more likely to become endangered than others because they: Interfere in some way with people’s activities Are very sensitive to changes Have very specific food or nesting requirements Are naturally rare Have small broods and long gestation periods Migrate
What is Being Done to Help Save Endangered Species? Endangered Species Act In 1973 the Endangered Species Act was passed by the US government to protect animals. According to the act, it is illegal to import, export, or sell protected animals. To harm, harass, or kill a protected animal is against the law. A fine of up to $200,000 and/or a year in jail is the penalty for breaking this law. It is the responsibility of the US Fish and Wildlife Service to protect endangered species and their habitats.
What is Being Done to Help Save Endangered Species? National Wildlife Refuge System Their goal is to preserve, restore, and enhance in their natural ecosystems all species of animals that are endangered. Over 92 million acres of land and water have been set aside for the conservation of fish and wildlife.
How “Can” I Help? Don’t litter. Be respectful of the land and animals. Urge your parents to use natural pesticides on garden plants and crops. Cut plastic rings on six-packs before discarding them so birds don’t get caught in them. Write to your representatives and let them know that you support the Endangered Species Act. Read all you can about endangered animals. Tell your parents to vote for laws that protect endangered species and their habitats. Adopt an endangered animal. Make an informational poster on an endangered animal and display it at your school library. Design a bumper sticker to make others aware of the plight of an endangered animal. Invite a guest speaker to present information about endangered animals in your area.